Papp. 4to nr 52
Papp. 4to nr 52 (1650-1700)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-28v) Friðþjófs sagaIcelandic, SwedishSagann af Fridþiöfs Frækna Þorsteins sÿneSua byriar þessa sógu at Beli Köngur styrdi...ok enda hier nú sóguna af Fridþiöf frækna. Endir.Note: Icelandic text with Swedish transl.
CodexPaperiv, 29, x210mm x 163mmYesLater pagination: Starting with '1' on 2r.Good185mm x 145mmYesJacob Isthmén ReenhielmKurrentSole
Info: Jakob Reenhielm (signature on f. 1r)
Moderately decorated (later)
Marbelled paper on cardboard. The spine and the corners are in white leather. On the spine, the shelfmark is imprinted with golden letters. "COD. ISL. PAPP. 4:o N:o 52 ". The flyleaves contain a variety of material which has been bound up. Front flyleaves i and ii are blank. iii is an older cover with labels attached to it marking the Kungliga Bibliotek's shelfmarks (F.K.7 and Papp. 4o nr. 52). On the reverse is a note which explains how the Kungliga Bibiotek came into possession of the manuscript: "1741 in Mart är denna Sagan kiöpt för Kgl. R. Ant. Archivum på Bokauctionen i Upsala efter framl. Arch. O. Rudbeck: kostar I d. 18 ." iv has various notes. The back flyleaves i-iv contain notes on religious matters, including copies of biblical verses. vi is a folded parchment leaf in folio which comes from an antiphonary and contains musical notation.
Jacob Isthmén Reenhielm: OwnerOlof senior: Owner
Last update: 2013-04-04



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S