Fornaldarsögur norðurlanda:
A bibliography of manuscripts, editions, translations and secondary literature

Included here are all the sagas normally classed as fornaldarsögur, viz. the 31 originally included by C.C. Rafn in his edition Fornaldar sögur Nordrlanda (1829-1830) plus the five most scholars agree also fit his criteria of time and place.

For each saga there is a list of the manuscripts in which texts of the saga are found, along with its location in the manuscript, a transcription of the rubric or incipit and, where known, the name of the scribe and time and place of writing. Following this there are lists of the editions of the text, then of translations, and finally of secondary literature dealing specifically with the saga in question. There is also a general bibliography comprising works dealing with the genre as a whole.

Please feel free to bring any errors and omissions to the attention of the editor. We would also be grateful if authors of articles/books etc. on fornaldarsögur would notify us of their publications so that they can be added to our bibliographies.



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S