JS 34 4to
JS 34 4to (1803-1804, Iceland)
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
1. (1r-54v) Bevers sagaIcelandicBjefusar saga2. (55r-68v) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagnsIcelandicSagan af Þorsteini Bæjarmagn3. (69r-74v) Þorsteins þáttur stangarhöggsIcelandicSöguþáttur af Þorsteini stangarhöggiEnduð d. 12. febrúarii 1803 af G[uðmundi] I[lluga]s[yni]4. (75r-80v) Rauðúlfs þátturIcelandicSöguþáttur af Rauðúlfi og sonum hans5. (81r-97r) Gautreks saga (defective)Icelandic Begins: aldrei gest átt á ævi okkar og þess get ég að þú sért enginn ótrisin [sic] gestur … Note: Beginning is missing6. (97v-97v) LausavísaIcelandicEf þér lætur lukkan háNote: Without a title7. (97v-97v) LausavísaIcelandicFyrir lánið málma meiðurNote: Without a title8. (98r-159r) Adónías sagaIcelandicSaga af AddonioEnduð í Sviðholti d. 18. febrúari af G[uðmundi] Illugasyni 1804 ()9. (160r-173v) Skanderbeg saga furstaLudvig HolbergIcelandicSaga af Skanderbeg, þeim nafnfræga fursta í Epiro10. (174r-207v) Cyrus saga PersakonungsEinar BjarnasonIcelandicSagan af Cyró keisaraNote: The saga is bound in the wrong order, but the right order is indicated at the bottom corners of the page. Pagination follows the pencil pagination before in the manuscript and therefore doesn't agree with the count of folios here (two folios are wrongly numbered)
CodexPaperii, 207203mm x 160mmYesLater foliationPoor160-175mm x 120-140mmNoGuðmundur IllugasonHum cursivaSole
  • At the front of the manuscript is a folio out of its quire, a printed fragment of "Margvíslegt gaman og alvara", the first part of which is on pages 101, 102, 107 and 108 (published by Magnúsi Stephensen) and some fragments from poem by Jón Þorláksson.
  • Also at the beginning of the manuscript is a couplet written in Latin and Danish on pages 15-18. The names Margrét Jónsdóttir and Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Kílabær are written on it.
  • Autographs found in the manuscript: Guðmundur Illugason á Skógtjörn (fflr1r, ffl1v, 97v), Jón Sigurðsson (flyleaf 1r), [R.] Eyjólfsson, B. Ólafsson and Sigurður Guðmundsson (flyleaf 2v), Pétur Oddsson and Jón Ívarsson ( 97v)
  • An addition in pencil counts the flyleaves and therefore doesn't agree with the page count here, two folios are wrongly numbered
Leather binding, loose front flyleaves (back flyleaf/leaves lost), loose book block, cardboard in back cover loose (cardboard in front cover lost).
Jón Sigurðsson: OwnerGuðmundur Illugason: OwnerJón Sigurðsson: SignatoryAmbiguous: SignatorySigurður Guðmundsson: SignatoryAmbiguous: SignatoryAmbiguous: SignatoryPétur Oddsson: SignatoryJón Ívarsson: Borrower
Last update: 2016-05-23



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S