ÍB 517 8vo
ÍB 517 8vo (1778-1811, Iceland)
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
1. (1r-28r) Hálfdanar saga BrönufóstraIcelandicSaga af Halfdane Brønu FostraHringur hefur kongur heited, hann Riede fírer Danmórk hann var vitur madur og vinsæll hann tte drottníngu er Signij hiet, hun var Dotter Wilhilms kongs af Reijdgota Landeog var so kőngur yfer 3r þiodlóndummog Stiórnade þeim til dauda dags, þaug Hlfdan Og Marcibil untust veler nű Sagann Endud hier, þö Jlla Blek  hrine, þettad Hripad þö nű er, Þorkeli af Bíornssyne2. (29r-79v) Sörla saga sterkaIcelandicSaga af Sørla SterkaA þeim Døgum sem HalfDan Kongur Brőnufostri stijrdi Svijavelldi huört hann Vann med herskillde af Agnar hinumm audga, Enn sette Ástó mág Sinn, ifir Einglandson hanns Var Hallfdn köngur inn millde sem eftter sumra manna sagn stijrde sydann eingland  dógumm Harallds kőngs Hilldetannar Enn Þőrer sterke Var Jall  medann Hógne lifde, Enn sval giórde hann ad hertuga3. (80r-91r) Geirarðs þáttur fræknaIcelandicNote: From the longer version of Mágus saga4. (91r-101v) Eiríks saga víðförlaIcelandicHier skrifast æfinnTijr äf Eyrike VijdfórlaÞrandurhefur köngur heitid hann Riede fyrer ÞrandheijmeSkrifad á Hoolo af Þorkele Biórnssijni. Anno 18025. (102r-113v) Þorsteins saga hvítaIcelandicEndud Anno 1811. af Th: Biórnssyne6. (114r-116v) Þorsteins þáttur AustfirðingsIcelandicEndad 3ia April: 1811 af Th: Biórnssyne7. (117r-154r) Gunnlaugs saga ormstunguIcelandicEndud þann 27. Maÿ Anno 1810 af Thorkele Biórnssyne
CodexPaperii, 154, i151mm x 94mmYesContemporary pagination and later foliation: Original pagination in the outer upper corner on fols. 102r-116v (pp. 1-30) and 117r-154r (pp. 1-75).Later foliation: Later foliation in bottom margin of every recto page. 140mm x 90mmYesÞorkell BjörnssonLate kurrentSole
Info: Þorkell Björnsson á Hóli wrote in late kurrent and chancery.
  • Initial: Initials in a few places slightly decorated.

  • (2rFFl) On recto side of , "Sögu-safn" is written in the hand of .
  • (2vFFl) On verso side of there is a table of contents in the hand of .
  • (154v) Various names and note on .
  • (28r) "1820 F. Guðmundsson" on .
Moderately decorated (later)
Bound in cardbord with marble paper on the outside and red velvet on the spine and in the corners. The order of the gatherings is different from the original order as can be seen from the contemporary pagination and the colophons.
Ambiguous: SignatoryAt one point owned by a certain F. Guðmundsson.
Last update: 2016-04-02



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S