NKS 1772 a 4to
NKS 1772 a 4to
Det Kongelige Bibliotek, KøbenhavnFormer shelf mark: Suhm's collection no. 1333 4to
This manuscript consists of 2 parts.
  • A small piece of paper (15 x 35mm) came off of fol. 25 of part II and is kept in a plastic bag together with a note in the front of the manuscript.
Loose collection of quires and leaves, held together by a plain bifolio (later).
NKS 1772 a 4to I (1600-1699)
1. (1r-4v) Hrings saga og Tryggva [Notes]DanishSaga af Hring og Tryggva. [Afskr. frá 17. öld]1 DefinitionKrigsbygnins konsten/: Architectura militaris :/ er ensom ses(?) af fölgende
CodexPaper4207mm x 165mmMaid of Dort "ProPatria"; "JHonig et Zoon"Later pagination: paginated a-dAverage200mm x 85mmNoUnknownKurrentSole
The first quire is not mentioned in Kålund's catalog and thus might be a later addition to this manuscript.
NKS 1772 a 4to II (1600-1699)
1. (1r-33r) Hrings saga og TryggvaIcelandic2. (33v-39v:15) Eiríks saga víðförlaIcelandicNote: A- and B-vers.3. (39v:16-39v:20) Egils saga einhenda og Ásmundar berserkjabana (defective)IcelandicSaga af Eygle Einhenta og Wismunde Berserka Banafirer Rusya reide sa konurer þesse Saga giórdist gófNote: first lines only
CodexPaper39210mm x 163mmCoat of armsContemporary paginationPoor195mm x 145-155mmYesUnknownKurrentSole
Info: According to Kålund, written by an inexperienced hand. Kurrent for main text, chancery for rubrics
  • Paratext
  • Initial
Peter Frederik Suhm: Owner
Last update: 2013-05-28



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S