AM 568 I-II 4to
AM 568 I-II 4to
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
This manuscript consists of 2 parts.
  • Ten loose AM slips with saga titles.
  • Seven loose slips with titles in a 19th c. hand. On one of the slips, Agnete Loth has added information on Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra
  • Photocopy of five pages in Danish on the condition of this manuscript.
Plain (later)
Dimensions: Dimensions: 215mm x 175mm x mm. The original binding has been lost and replaced with modern plain paper folders wrapped around the quires.
Árni Magnússon: OwnerÁrni Jónsson: OwnerÁrni Magnússon got the manuscript from pastor Árni Jónsson in Neðri-Brekka (cf. AM slips).
AM 568 I 4to (1600-1650, Iceland)
1. (1r-16v) Egils saga Skallagrímssonar (defective)Icelandic
CodexPaper16180mm x 142mmLater foliation: Foliated separately in plastic pockets.Poor175mm x 135mmNote: All leaves have been placed in transparent sleeves (due to damage) so no watermarks can be identified.UnknownKurrentSole
  • Secondary (initial): Initials slightly bigger and lightly decorated.
AM 568 II 4to (1600-1650, Iceland)
1. (1r-20r) Egils saga Skallagrímssonar (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.2. (21r-30r) Vatnsdæla saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.3. (31r-40r) Kjalnesinga saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.4. (40r-43v) Jökuls þáttur Búasonar (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.5. (43v-48v) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagns (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.6. (49r-59r) Nikulás saga leikara (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.7. (59v-64v) Nitida saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.8. (65r-68v) Valdimars saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.9. (69r-82v) Víglundar saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.10. (83r-87v) Friðþjófs saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.11. (88r-95v) Þórðar saga hreðu (defective)IcelandicNote: Ending missing. Text shortened because of damage.12. (96r-107r) Króka-Refs saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Beginning of first chapter missing. Text shortened because of damage.13. (107r-107r) Lausavísa (defective)Icelandic14. (107v-114v) Bandamanna saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.15. (115r-118v) Orms þáttur Stórólfssonar (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.16. (119r-127v) Hávarðar saga Ísfirðings (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.17. (128r-131v) Kalmarstríðið (defective)IcelandicNote: Beginning and ending missing. Text shortened because of damage.18. (132r-143v) Helenu saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.19. (144r-169v) Flóres saga og Leó (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.20. (170r-177v) Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra (defective)IcelandicNote: Beginning and ending missing. Text shortened because of damage.Note: The text at the end of the third chapter.21. (178r-181r) Tiodels saga riddara (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.22. (181r-181v) Um tilburð í Konstantínópel (defective)IcelandicNote: Text shortened because of damage.
CodexPaper181190mm x 150mmLater foliation: Each item foliated separately in plastic pockets.Poor: 22 Fragments, possibly from the same codex175mm x 135mmUnknownKurrentSole
  • Secondary (initial): Initials slightly bigger and lightly decorated.
  • Secondary: Chapter numbers in an orange colour on fol. 69r-82v and the first words underlined.
  • Páll Jónsson has added a poem on fol. 166v with his name. Begins: "Vísur einar vil hér byrja | virðar hlíði á þetta smíði".
  • Scribbling on fol. 21v, 89v, 92v, 129v, 146r, 178v, 181r-v.
  • The chapter numbers seem to have been added later in some places, some in blank spaces and others in the margins.
Last update: 2015-02-11



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S