Papp. 4to nr 51
Papp. 4to nr 51 (1681-1695, Sweden)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-73r) Hálfdanar saga EysteinssonarSwedishHalfdan Östensons Historia. I. Capitell. Om konung Östen.
CodexPaperiv, 74, ii210mm x 162mmCrownContemporary paginationGood145mm x 110mmYesGuðmundur ÓlafssonKurrentSole
  • Some marginal notes in both pencil and ink.
Moderately decorated (contemporary)
Marbelled paper on cardboard. The spine and the corners are in white leather. On the spine, the shelfmark is imprinted with golden letters. "COD. ISL. PAPP. 4:o N:o 51". A previous binding is now the fourth front flyleaf. After the final leaf a folded bifolium has been inserted. Upon it is printed one of Daniel Johnson Hadorph's "lyckönskan till Carl XI på hans 33:e födelsedag den 24 november 1688"
Last update: 2013-04-04



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S