ÍB 271 4to
ÍB 271 4to
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
This manuscript consists of 2 parts.
CodexPaperi, 122, iFoliated: Bound in wrong order, folios 21-22 from Part I are in part II. AverageUnknownHum cursivaMinor
Sigurður HálfdanarsonHum cursivaMajor
  • On the verso-side of the front flyleaf, there is a modern note about the wrong order of leaves.
Plain (later)
Bound in a cardboard binding covered with dark marbled paper.
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson: OwnerÞorsteinn Þorsteinsson bought the manuscript in the year 1862 ()
ÍB 271 4to Part I (1790, Iceland)
1. (1r-12r) Latin glosses for Icelandic terms in Árni Böðvarsson's BrávallarímurIcelandic, LatinUtlegging yfer Vanskiliannleg Ord sem Fyrirkoma i Rymunnum af Haralldi Hillditonn og Bravallar Bardaga.2. (12r-12v) Some unknown persons and place namesIcelandicTil uppfillingudum bladum innfærast hier nochkur ókend manna Borga og Landa NøfnNote: The first part is in Part II, folios 21r-22v
CodexPaper12203mm x 161mmYesLater foliationAverage150-160mm x 130-145mmUnknownHum cursivaMajor
Info: The scribe uses chancery for rubrics and terms; hum cursiva and kurrent for explanations
  • Initial
  • Some additions, mostly scribble, in different hands on fol. 1r: "Rýmu", "Alexander Kristjan", "ÞÞorsteinsson hefur keipt 1862", "Kr Þorsteinsson", "N:o 25".
ÍB 271 4to Part II (1805-1812, Iceland)
1. (13r-20v, 23r-26v) Eymundar þáttur HringssonarIcelandicNote: Two parts, continues on fols. 2. (21r-22v) Some unknown persons and place namesIcelandicNote: Leaves belong in Part I; continuation of the text on fol. 12r-12v in Part I 3. (27r-30v) Eiríks saga víðförlaIcelandicNote: Scribe's name and location encoded4. (31r-35r) Hrafns þáttur GuðrúnarsonarIcelandic5. (35r-39v) Hreiðars þáttur heimskaIcelandic6. (39v-42r) Auðunar þáttur vestfirskaIcelandic7. (42r-45v) Sneglu-Halla þátturIcelandicNote: Scribe's name and location encoded; dated 18058. (46r-59v) Egils saga einhenda og Ásmundar berserkjabanaIcelandicNote: Scribe's name and location encoded9. (59v-71v) Hjálmþérs sagaIcelandicNote: Scribe's name encoded10. (71v-84r) Jarlmanns saga og HermannsIcelandicNote: Scribe's name and location encoded11. (84v-102r) Breta sögurIcelandic12. (102r-103r) Sendibréf milli tyrkneska keisarans og þess rómverskaIcelandicNote: On fols. is the answer of the Roman emperor: "Andsvar þess rómverska keisara hér uppá"13. (103r-108v) Játvarðar saga helgaIcelandicNote: Scribe's name encoded14. (108v-108v) Esópus sagaIcelandicNote: Only the beginning15. (108v-114v) Hálfdanar saga EysteinssonarIcelandicNote: Scribe's name encoded16. (114v-122v) Virgilíus saga (defective)IcelandicSaga þess nafnfræga Virgelii úr hollensku útlögðNote: Lacking at the end
CodexPaper110Yes170-190mm x 140-145mmYesSigurður HálfdanarsonUnknownSole
  • A register for Part II on folio 22v
  • At the bottom of folio 30v-3ov in the hand of the scribe: "Þáttur af Sigurði Ákasyni, tekinn úr sögu Ólafs. Sigurður er ... hann var sonur Áka magnússonar hann var ríkismaður og sat í Danmark hann fór úr landi ..." (then struck through).
  • "Hér á eftir skrifast þættir af nokkrum Íslendingum".
Last update: 2016-03-29



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S