Kall 613 4to
Kall 613 4to (1743-1751, Iceland)
Det Kongelige Bibliotek, København
Contemporary: Laurins Könungs Chronika, edur skemtelig og fögur fraasaga Umm þann Konung sem kalladist Laurin Konungr/ og var ei nema þriggia spanna laangr, miøg gamansöm at lesa og heyra. Prentud aa Aarenu 1714. / Enn nu wr Dönsku Maalu wtlögd aa Isslendsku, ad Söndum i Mid-firde, Anno 1743Note: The title page is now in front of item 12. According to the date, it was the first text written.1. (1r-52v) Sigurðar saga þöglaIcelandicEndad ad Söndum i Mid-firde, þann 22. Decembris, Anno 17502. (53r-56r:9) "Æventyr af einum kaupmanne"IcelandicNote: Translated from Danish "wtlagdt úr Dönskú Anno 1750"3. (56r:10-64r) "Historia af þeim lukkuliga hirdir"IcelandicEndat ad Söndum i Mid-firde, þann 8da Januarii Anno 1751.4. (65r-100r) Sálus saga og NikanórsIcelandicEndat ad Söndum i Midfirde Anno 1751. þann 22. Januarii.5. (100v-122v:11) Flóres saga konungs og sona hansIcelandicEndat aa Paals messu þann xxv. Januarii, M.DCC.LI6. (122v:12-137v) Dámusta sagaIcelandicEndat ad Söndum i midfirde, þann 30. Januarii, Anno 1751.7. (138r-145v) Bertrams saga (defective)Icelandicþann þar effter alla syna lyfs-daga ...Note: end missing8. (146r-151r) Hróa þáttur heimskaIcelandic9. (151v-157r:2) Gautreks sagaIcelandic10. (157r:3-164v:9) Úlfhams sagaIcelandic11. (164v:10-184r) Samsons saga fagraIcelandicEndat ad Söndum i Mid-firde, þann 13. Februarii Anno 1751.12. (185r-201v) Laurins kongs kronikaIcelandicNote: Translated from Danish
CodexPaperv, 201195mm x 160mmMaid of DortContemporary pagination and later foliationAverage: the binding is falling apart.173mm x 133mmNot everywhereEinar NikulássonKurrentSole
Info: Kurrent for main text, chancery fractura for rubrics.
  • Initial: Nicely decorated initials and rubrics
  • Illustration: Drawing of a man on the title page of item 12, fol. 185r
  • Paratext: Decorative separation items between the texts; squiggles in the right hand corner of many texts.
  • Occasional marks and underlinings, especially in item 11.
Plain (contemporary)
Dark leather on thick wooden boards. The binding contains manuscript waste: letters from "Thorfe Gislason, Dedalfelle 10. Marty 1756" addressed to the scribe "Einare Niculassyne", traces of a red siglum
Johan Christian Kall: Owner
Last update: 2013-06-07



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S