AM 355 4to
AM 355 4to (1688-1704, Norway)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1r:1-50r:17) Hervarar saga og HeiðreksIcelandicSigrlami het konungr hann red fyrir Garðarikitil heilla satta mikit riki oc ærit fe xij. c vapnaCopied indirectly (or perhaps directly?) from GKS 2845 4to.Note: Contains a copy of the R redaction of Hervarar saga with the internal lacuna filled in from H.
CodexPaperi, 63, iNote: Additional front flyleaf and pastedown are modern, but rear flyleaf was previously fol. 64 (cf. minor insect damage in upper margin)212mm x 165mmCoat of arms flanked by rampant lions visible throughout.Later foliation: Foliated 1-50 in red ink by Kålund in the upper right hand corners. Fols. 50v-63v blank.Good150mm x 110mmÁsgeir JónssonUnknownSole
  • AM slip in front reads: "Ur þessu exemplari er skrifud bok Arna Sigurdssonar á grund in 4to sem segest ad vera ritud af Jone Arnasyne lögmanns. Ad visu er Arna exemplar j fyrstu ur þessum codice, enn kynne vera mediante aliqvo exemplare chartaceo. Lacuna aliqvot foliorum sem er j þessarra membrana er eins j Arna Sigurdssonar exemplare."
Moderately decorated (later)
The manuscript was formerly bound in two parchment leaves from Jónsbók containing "Farmannalög" and dating from c. 1600, now housed as part of AM Access. 25. The current binding is marbled pasteboard from 1887.
Árni Magnússon: Owner
Last update: 2013-08-16



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S