BL Add. 11158
BL Add. 11158 (1700-1799, Iceland)
British Library, London
This manuscript consists of 7 parts.
Geir Vídalín: OwnerSir Joseph Banks: Owner
BL Add. 11158 I
1. (1r-23v) Fertrams saga og PlatósIcelandicNote: A note at the end states: 'Endud þann 4 december Anno 1778 ad Efraäse j Hialta dal af litt vøndudumm Skrifara Byrne Gottskalkssyne'. The scribe was born in 1765.
BL Add. 11158 II
2. (24r-25v) Flóres saga og Blankiflúr (defective)IcelandicNote: Begins with chapter 20. An earlier section is item 7 below.3. (26r-32v) Bærings saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Ends in chapter 16. The continuation is lacking.
BL Add. 11158 III
4. (33r-70v) Vilhjálms saga sjóðsIcelandicSagann af Vilhiälme Rijgardssyne er sidar var kalladur siodur
BL Add. 11158 IV
5. (24r-32v) Ambáles sagaIcelandicNote: On f. 122r where the saga ends there are two stanzasNote: On f. 122v, which was blank originally, the following note has been added: 'Vid Bok þessare tekur Mr. Hiortur Jon[sson] a Hlidar enda þa Landskrifarenn Thorleiv[ur] er hana buenn ad lesa'. Hjörtur Jónsson, later minister of Gilsbakki, was a tutor at Hlíðarendi in 1796-1800 and Þorleifur Nikulásson, secretary of the Althing, lived at Hliðarendakot.Note: Names on f. 122v: 'Biarne Eiolfs son', 'Biørn Finnsson', 'Eg þacka þier firer Boken[a] Biarne Minn'. There is also the farm name 'Mideyayholme'.
BL Add. 11158 V
6. (123r-123v) Bærings saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Connected with item 3 above.7. (24r-32v) Flóres saga og Blankiflúr (defective)IcelandicNote: Ends with chapter 16. Connected with item 2 above.
BL Add. 11158 VI
2. (149r-168v) Pontanus saga og Diocletianus (defective)IcelandicSaga af Keisaranumm Pontiano og hans syne Diocletiano Og hanns siø wijsu MeisturummNote: Many leaves damaged and the end lacking
BL Add. 11158 VII
2. (169r-200v) Flóres saga og Blankiflúr (defective)IcelandicNote: Begins with chapter 20. An earlier section is item 7 below.
Last update: 2012-12-14



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S