Perg. 4to nr 18
Perg. 4to nr 18 (1280-1320, Iceland)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-12r) Heiðarvíga saga (defective)Icelandic2. (12v-24r) Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu (defective)IcelandicSaga þeirra hrafns ok gvnnlaugs ormstungv eptir þui sem sagt hefir verit a islandi a lannams sogur ok forna freði3. (24v:1-24v:36) About an abbotIcelandicSvo byriaz nokr(?) æentyr at aboti nockvr I svart munka4. (25r-34v) Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar (defective)Icelandicþa svarar halfdan, spurtt havfvm ver atNote: Older vers.Note: Formerly called item 5 in Perg. 4to nr. 205. (35r-54v) Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar (defective)IcelandicNote: Ending defective and 2 leaves missing after fol. 37v.Note: Formerly called item 2 in Perg. 4to nr. 20
CodexParchment54235mm x 163mmLater foliation: Some gatherings have additional foliation.Poor: Holes and cuts throughout the manuscript. The script is somewhat faded. Leaves at the beginning and end of gatherings are blackened or worn. The gatherings are no longer sewn to each other or to the spine.200mm x 130mmNoUnknownTextualisMinor
Info: 1r-8v.
Info: 9r-13r.
Info: 13v-24r. This scribe is, according to Vilhlem Gödel (Kat, p. 60), Norwegian.
Info: 24v:1-24v:36.
Info: 25r-34v.
Info: 35r-54v.
  • Initial: Initials rendered in red or black, sometimes with a third colour, which might have been green
  • Other: Rubrics rendered in red or black
  • A few additions in the margins, most are difficult to read. On the binding, two paper stickers indicate the shelf marks.
Moderately decorated (contemporary)
Bound in a two heavily damaged parchment leaves contaning manuscript waste, both of them in Latin, written in two columns. The outer leaf is from a catholic liturgical book (ps. 88,3-16; ps. 101,1-23, and prayers). The other leaf contains Jerome's Vita S. Hilarionis, chs. 14-20.37. The leaves are sewn together with a thick leather thread. Both leaves were trimmed to ca. 23 x 25 cm. The leaves are overlapping on the spine and the inner half of the front cover. The outer leaf is placed in a way that the free space between the two columns is located on the spine. On the inside of the back cover, there is a heavily damaged illumination, possibly the initial "D", ca. 5 x 4 cm in black and red, along with earlier marginalia.
Jón Eggertsson: CollectorAntikvitetskollegiet: OwnerPerg. 4to nr. 18 is one of the manuscripts collected by Jón Eggertsson for the Swedish Antiquitetskollegie in Iceland in 1682-1683.
Last update: 2013-03-21



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S