Papp. 4to nr 34
Papp. 4to nr 34 (1650-1700)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
This manuscript consists of 5 parts.
CodexPaperiii, , iii
  • Two parchment leaves in Latin are added to the back of the manuscript. The second one, folio-sized, used to be the binding and has stickers with the shelf mark on it. The text it contains was identified by as biblical: Daniel 13, verses 15-54 but without verses 18.31-32.50b (identified by Astrid Marner). The first is a smaller fragment which can be identified as missals: Commune sanctorum de una virgine martyre and Proprium Sanctorum for St. Clement (Nov 23th) and Catherine (Nov 25th) (identified by Astrid Marner).
  • A little slip with text from "Annales gronlandici" is glued onto fol. 49r. On the inside of the front cover, a later hand wrote: "Blad 36 överlämnades 30/6 1958 av Riksarkivet ach infogades på sin plats."
Moderately decorated (later)
Marbeled paper on cardboard. The spine and the corners are in white leather, on the spine, the shelfmark is imprinted with golden letters. A former cover is preserved and now bound in at the end the manuscript.
1650-1700UnknownNote: Originating from different countries, among them Denmark and Germany.
Jón Jónsson: OwnerOlof Verelius: OwnerOlof senior: OwnerOlof Rudbeck junior: OwnerAntikvitetskollegiet: Owner
Papp 4to nr. 34 I
1. (1r:1-1r:18) Table of ContentsIcelandic2. (1v-2r) Genealogical table of Árni Gíslason á Hlíðarenda and biskup Jón ArasonIcelandic3. (3r-7v) Strengleikar [Excerpts]IcelandicUr Bretta Streing-Leikum4. (8r-15v:4) Hervarar saga og Heiðreks [Riddles]Icelandic, LatinScripsit Hafniæ Anno 1665 in 8b: J. Rugman m. ppria5. (16r:1-16r:11) On Norwegian kingsLatinHaqnus Haqni filius Norvagorum Anno 1253Anno 1273 Contnuata et non nihil immutata est.6. (16v-20v) Laws [excerpts] (defective)Icelandic, SwedishKong Friderichz 2 hand festing utgefin år epter gudz burd 1559. þa han war krijntWier Fridrich sa Annar med guds nadþetta er or Wigfloda: Nu liggr kona a Cf. Papp 4to nr. 34 V item 2.7. (21r-22r) LetterIcelandicSkipta brief barna Loptz ryka.Ollum monnum sem þetta brief sia edur heyrahvad hun er dyr eller freth(?).8. (25r-25v) On inheritanceIcelandicHuorier arfgeinger eroSa madur er eigi arfgeingeog verdur honum þui kuæri(?) fiorz baugs i gard.9. (26r-26r) Conversion tablesIcelandicNote: Aura tal, Marka tal, Álna tal.10. (26v-27bisr) Laws [excerpts]Icelandic
CodexPaper28210mm x 160mmDifferent watermarks: Gate with two round towers, one on each side. foolscap, royal emblem.Contemporary and later foliation: Average190mm x 125mmCatchwords present, but not on every page.Jón Jónsson RugmannKurrentSole
  • Other: rubrics
  • Paratext
  • fol. 27bis is added at the end of this part.
Papp 4to nr. 34 II
1. (28r-41v) Lögþingsbók 1663Icelandic
CodexPaper14190mm x 160mmPossibly a crownContemporary and later foliation: Average180mm x 130mmYesPáll GíslasonChancerySole
Papp 4to nr. 34 III
1. (42r-43v) On the construction of buildingsSwedish
CodexPaper3205mm x 160mmFoolscapContemporary and later foliation: Good160mm x 90mmNoUnknownChancerySole
  • Other: initials
Papp 4to nr. 34 IV
1. (45r-45r) Laws [excerpts]Latin2. (46r-49r) On property taxesSwedish
CodexPaper11200mm x 160mmDifferent watermarks: A fool with a pointed collar, the middle point extended and adorned with three spheres; a different fool with a larger collar and spheres, all points equal length. Below the image, the letter "L" can be seen.!Foliation info not supported!: Average165mm x 130mmOnly on #contemporary. 46v.Jón Jónsson RugmannKurrentSole
  • A little slip with text from "Annales gronlandici" is glued onto #contemporary. 49r.
Papp 4to nr. 34 V
1. (56r-57r) Henrik RantzauLatinDe Abbate Standenso nvper Helmstadii Ædito.1593Marcus Wagner Erimariensis Antiquitatus Inquisitor Ultra 43 Annos in Eutopa.2. (58r:1-58v:11) IcelandicKonungs fredricks þess Annars Handfestijng: ... 1559..Cf. Papp 4to nr. 34 I item 6
CodexPaper8215mm x 160mmTwo towers, possibly with a gate in the middle.Contemporary pagination: "(233)" in the bottom margin of #contemporary. 58rAverage165mm x 115mmonly on contemporary. 58rMarcus WagnerHybridaMajor
Info: The German, Marcus Wagner, wrote #contemporarys. 56r-57r.
UnknownEarly kurrentMinor
Info: The main script type is early kurrent, rubrics are written in chancery. 58r-58v
  • Initial
  • Other: rubrics
  • On #contemporary. 58v.
Last update: 2013-04-11



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S