AM 93 8vo Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen This manuscript consists of 2 parts.
Plain (contemporary)
The manuscript was previously bound in a parchment leaf from an antiphoner from the
fourteenth century,
now Access 7b, HS 48. The spine of the earlier
binding contained a strip of printed waste from a German newspaper (?) dated 1638.
Currently bound in modern (1970s) half-canvas over paper boards.
Árni Magnússon: Owner
AM 93 I 8vo
(1650-1699, Iceland)
1. (2r:1-13r:26) Disputationes anatomicae et psychologicae (Extracts, Icelandic)Tobias KnoblochIcelandicUmm mansins ypparlegleika og um parta eda limu mannlegs
lykama, so almennilega um ad takaMed þuij margt er herlegasameiginlega ad nafni og myndNote: With copious Latin, Greek and Icelandic notes in the margins.
Attributed to 'Tobia Knoblochio' in a marginal note on fol. 2r.2. (17r:1-53v:10) On predestination and free willIcelandicHædsti og stæsti mannsinz godiÞegar tueir giöra eitt og hid sama verkes so þeir eru baadir ad3. (59r:1-66r:15) On eternal lifeLatin, IcelandicAugustinusNemo habet injustum lucrum sine justo damnoog eige helldur þess farveg i vatninu þa þad er fram um komedNote: Quotes from various sources, including St. Augustine, Isidore of Seville, St. Ambrose and the Bible.4. (67r:1-79v:6) On the origin of the soulIcelandicSpurnyngHuortt mannleg saal eckj sydur enn lykaminn hafi sinn
upruna af forelldrunum?koma allt af mannsinz vilia og mætti
CodexPaperi, 83, iNote: Flyleaves modern165mm x 100mmNote: Fol. 19 is a fragment.Part of a crown visible on fol. 55. Coat of arms (tower) partially
visible on fols. 81/82.
Multiple other watermarks present.Later foliation: Pencil and ink foliation in upper outer margins. Foliated 1-51, 52a, 52b, 53-81/82, 83Average: Edges of several leaves have been restored in modern times. Some loss of text from earlier wear.145mm x 95mmNote: Fols. 1r, 13r-16v, 54v-58v, 66v, 80r, 81/82r and 83r-83v blank.
Fols. 54r, 80v and 81/82v blank save for pen tests. UnknownUnknownSole
Extensive marginalia (commentaries) throughout. Autograph of Þórður Finnsson appears several times on fol. 79v.
Two slips tipped-in before fol. 1. The first is a fragment with unidentified text (part of an earlier
pastedown?). The second reads: "No. 93 in 8vo. 1o. Jndeholder nogle Physiske Moralske og Theologiske
2o. Der efter Jsslandske og faae Norske Annaler fra Anno 1350 til 1625./
3o. Om Noreg og Jsland"
1650-1699 Iceland
AM 93 II 8vo
(1650-1699, Iceland)
1. (84r:1-91r:27) On human beings before AdamJohann Conrad DannhauerIcelandic, LatinPræ Adamita vtis sive Fabula primorum hominum ante Adamum conditorumÞad hefde vered tilheyrilegtog þad mest rydur ä fordiórfunar madur jdiuleisedNote: Fol. 84r is a title page. Excerpted from an unidentified work by Johann Dannhauer.2. (92r:1-99r:33) Leffnetz Compasz (Extracts, Icelandic)Claus PorsIcelandicAff Claus Porss hanns hüsbök eda lifnadarins compäs ad hann so kallar prentuduin 1613Seneca skrifar ad madur skule læra so leinge hann liferenn ad rudinne reidinneNote: An Icelandic translation of the Danish book printed in 1613.3. (100r:1-106r:26) Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 5IcelandicDisputatziu maal af S. Paals ordum til Romanos 5I. capitule hefur inne hallda ord S. Paalsog seigium hann vera fra þui Christus4. (108r:1-157v:22) Skarðsárannáll (Excerpts)IcelandicSamtak og þa sa einginn annannNote: With introduction.5. (159r:1-160r:15) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicHier skal seigia dæme til hvørsu Noregur bygdesteru þar margar bygderFlateyar konga bök var skrifud, þa lidid var fra hyngad burde vorz hennd Jesu Christi 1387 ár6. (160v:1-162v:31) Ólafs saga hins helga (Extracts)IcelandicDyr[?] syner sa sig jllviliadannog svikannaad ei mun heimskur verda ef lyfe helldur7. (163r:1-166v:10) Sturlunga saga (Extracts)IcelandicLandmerke ad fornu millum Noregz Danmerkurog Svyarykisstattu kyrr, hafa skalltu 3 hundrad mörendrar vøru8. (166v:11-166v:28) Notes on Snorri SturlusonIcelandicSnorre Sturluson fæddest wpp i Oddabrandur feck mier landa
CodexPaperi, 89, iNote: Flyleaves modern165mm x 100mmYesLater foliation: Pencil and ink foliation in upper outer margins.
Fols. 91v, 99v, 106v-107v blank. Foliated 84-156a, 156b, 157-166.Average: Edges of several leaves have been restored in modern times. Some earlier text lost.145mm x 85mmUnknownUnknownMajor
Info: Multiple scribes
Extensive marginalia (commentaries) throughout. On fol.
158r-158v there are pen trials and various names and notes: Högni
Þorbjörnsson, Bergsveinn Grímsson, "Jön Sigurdsson
est huius libri verus possessor", "þetta kuer til lanz
fra Solheimatungu Anno 1678 S J S", "Halldor
Arnason med Eigin hendi".
1650-1699 IcelandNote: Fols. 108-158 might have originally been an independent
Last update: 2013-08-16
M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S