UB 246 fol.
UB 246 fol. (1700-1799, Iceland)
Universitetsbiblioteket, Oslo
This manuscript consists of 5 parts.
CodexPaper197310mm x 199mmUnknownUnknownUnknownSole
Peter Petersen: OwnerPurchased from Petersen bergráði in 1849 (cf. typescript catalog).
UB 246 I fol.
1. (1r:X-16r:X) Skálda sagaIcelandicSkallda Saga Harallz HárfagraCopy of AM 307 4to.2. (16v:X-19r:X) Af Upplendinga konungumIcelandicAf Upplendinga konungumCopy of AM 307 4to.3. (19r:X-31r:X) Ragnarssona þátturIcelandicAf Ragnars sunum oc þeirra ættCopy of AM 307 4to.
UB 246 II fol.
1. (32r:X-49v:X) Norna-Gests þátturIcelandicSógu þáttr af Norna GestiCopy of AM 202i fol.2. (50r:X-53v:X) Þorsteins þáttur tjaldstæðingsIcelandicAf Ásgrími hersi oc Þórsteini Tialldstæding syni hans3. (54r:X-57v:X) Sneglu-Halla þátturIcelandicSaga SnegluhallaNote: Copied from a paper MS in the AM collection (itself a copy of Flateyjarbók) [cf. Note in typescript catalogue].
UB 246 III fol.
1. (59r:x-61r:x) Olafs saga Tryggvasonar1.1. (59r:X-61r:X) Eiríks þáttur HákonarsonarIcelandicÞáttr Eiríks HákonarsunarCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.2. (61r:X-72v:X) Orms þáttur StórólfssonarIcelandicÞáttr Orms StorolfssunarCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.3. (72v:X-76v:X) Hallfreðar saga vandræðaskáldsIcelandicÞáttr Hallfredar VandrædaskalldzCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.4. (76v:X-87r:X) Grænlendinga þátturIcelandicGrænlendinga þáttrCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.5. (87r:X-94v:X) Færeyinga saga (Excerpt)IcelandicAf Sigmundi Brestis syniCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.6. (94v:X-97v:X) Orkneyinga saga (Excerpt)IcelandicOrkneyia Jarla þáttrCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.7. (98r:X-102v:X) Hálfdanar þáttur svartaIcelandicÞáttr Hálfdanar SvartaCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.8. (102v:X-117r:X) Haralds þáttur hárfagraIcelandicUpphaf ríkis Haralldz HárfagraCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.9. (117r:X-119r:X) Haralds þáttur grenskaIcelandicÞáttr Haralldz GrænskaCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)1.10. (119r:X-122v:X) Ólafs þáttur GeirstaðaálfsIcelandicÞáttr Olafs GeirstadaálfsCopy of GKS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók)
UB 246 IV fol.
1. (125r:X-130v:X) Gull-Ásu-Þórðar þátturIcelandicAf Gullásu Þorðe2. (130r:X-142r:X) Egils þáttur Síðu-HallssonarIcelandicAf Egli SíðuhallzsyniNote: Variants taken (or perhaps copied from) AM 518 4to (cf. typescript catalog).3. (142v:X-155r:X) Karls þáttur vesælaIcelandicAf Karle Vesæla4. (155v:X-160r:X) Stúfs þátturIcelandicAf Stúf KattarsyniCopy of AM 533 4to.
UB 246 V fol.
1. (161r:X-196v:X) Gull-Þóris sagaIcelandicGullþóris SagaNote: Related to copy in AM 495 4to (cf. typescript catalog).
Last update: 2013-07-17



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S