Lbs 1199 4to
Lbs 1199 4to
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
This manuscript consists of 4 parts.
CodexPaperv, 220, iii190mm x 150mm160mm x 115mm UnknownMajor
  • There are both older and younger flyleaves addes to the manuscript. Front flyleaves 1-2 have clearly previously been a binding, as evidenced by the traces of paste on them. The same can be said of the end flyleaves 2-3.
  • Front flyleaf is a letter dated 14. apríl 1841.
  • Fremra saurblað 1 (laust spjaldblað) er bréf dagsett 30. apríl 1841.
  • Front flyleaves 4-5 are younger. On the front leaf 4r stands the title: Edda Snorra Sturlusonar lögsögumanns. Samantekin árið 1215 ásamt ýmsum öðrum fornfræðaritlingum. Samanfest í eitt á Flatey á Breiðafirði árið 1830.
  • On the front flyleaf 5 is a summary of the manuscript contents and and a titlepage in the hand of síra Ólafs Sívertsen í Flatey
  • On back flyleaf 2v there is a comment by síra Ólafs Sívertsen concerning the manuscript
  • On back flyleaf 3 is a letter dated 13. apríl 1841.
  • 9999r-RB back cover leaf is a letter.
Eiríkur Kúld: From the collection of Eiríks Kúld 8/5 94 (front flyleaf 3r)
Lbs 1199 4to part I. (1650-1860)
Later addition: Edda Snorra Sturlusonar lögsögumanns.
Samantekin árið 1215 ásamt ýmsum öðrum fornfræðaritlingum. Samanfest í eitt á Flatey á Breiðafirði árið 1830.Note: The titlepage is on the former of two later added leaves Ffl. 4r with the text in the hand of síra Ólafs Sívertsen í Flatey
1. (1r-1v) Edda með sínum ævintýrumNote: "Preface I" of Snorra-Eddu (see Anthony Faulkes 1979)2. (2r-2r) Frásögn sjálfs Eddu autors3. (2r-2v) Önnur innleiðsla4. (3r-8v) Formáli nýgjörðurNote: "Preface II" of Snorra-Eddu (see Anthony Faulkes 1979)5. (10r-39v) EddaNote: VolsungasagaNote: A part of the saga from the Poetic-Edda's SkáldskaparmálNote:
  • On leaf 9v in the hand of síra Ólafs Sívertsen there stands: Edda Snorra Sturlusonar lögsögumanns. Samantekin anno xti 1215
  • Laufás-Edda
6. (41r-48r) Bylting CromwellsNote:
  • About Cromwell's revolution in England and Charles I
  • Without a title in the manuscript
  • Blue colophon seems to be missing on account of cutting
7. (49r-53v) Hávamál8. (53v-55r) Heiðreks gátur9. (55v-55v) Gáta10. (56r-63v) Háttatal11. (64r-67v) Háttalykill hinn skemmri12. (67v-70v) Bragarhættir á rímum13. (72r-75v) HugsvinnsmálNote: Íslensk gerð Disticha Catonis14. (75v-79v) Skynsamlegar spurningar og andsvör15. (80r-80v) SigurdrífumálNote: Part of the poem16. (81r-89v) Nokkuð lítið samtak um rúnir17. (90r-91v) Völuspá18. (92r-93r) Vafþrúðnismál19. (93r-95v) Sólarljóð20. (96r-100r) EddaNote:
  • Gylfaginning
  • Title in the manuscript illegible on account of cutting
  • Only part of the work
21. (101r-110r) Réttmæli úr norrænuNote: Many blanks spaces on the leaves, possibly intended to be filled in at a later time22. (111r-132v) Mannanöfn og merking þeirra
CodexPaper132 OtherMajor
Info: I. Unknown scribe (1r-8v, 10r-33v, 34r-39v, 41r-48r, 49r-55v, 64r-70v, 72r-100r, 101r-110r, 111r-132v)
UnknownHum cursivaMinor
Info: II. Unknown scribe, 34r-39v
Info: III. Unknown scribe (56r-63v)
Ólafur Sigurðsson SívertsenOtherMinor
Info: IV. Síra Ólafur Sívertsen (9v, 34r-39v)
  • Initial: Many decorated initials
  • Initial: Ornamented initials: 49r, 53v, 82v, 89v
  • Leaves 34-39 have been added in the hand of síra Ólafs Sívertsen
  • Páll Eggert Ólason points out in the catalogue that hand I is similar to that of Hákon Ormsson sýslumaður (1614 - 13. Nov. 1656)
  • There are many marginal comments in the Edda section of the mnauscript. In the summary on the front flyleaf 5r Gunnar Pálsson is attributed as the source
Lbs 1199 4to part II. (1680-1720)
1. (133r-137r) Orðskviðir og heilræðiNote:
  • Without a title in the manuscript
  • Aphorisms and proverbs in poetry and alphabetic order. Occasional explanations in Latin. Attributed to Magnúss Jónsson prúði in the catalogue
2. (137v-140v) Hávamál
CodexPaper8 OtherMajor

  • In the catalogue the hand in this part of the manuscript is said to be from 1700
  • (133r) Málshættir. Added in a different hand to that mentioned on leaf 133r
Lbs 1199 4to part III. (1650-1750)
1. (141r-162v) Um farva og blekNote: The name of the author (Alexius Pedemontanus) is the pseudonym or artistic name of Girolamo Ruscelli, d. 15662. (163r-163r) Brennivínsdyggðir3. (163r-163v) Um edik4. (163v-163v) Að sjóða lög eða laka5. (164r-164r) Ediksgerð6. (164r-164r) Edikstilreiðsla7. (164r-164v) Um matreiðslu eggjaNote: Several methods, each with a title but without a common title in the manuscript 8. (165r-195r) Konstrík Illuminerbók9. (195v-196v) Nokkuð um fiskiríNote: Advice on fishing and various other pieces of wise counsel
CodexPaper56Foliated: Old foliations 13-40 (147r-160v), 1-57 (165r-193r). Páll BjörnssonOtherMajor
Info: I. Síra Páll Björnsson í Selárdal (149v-164v, 173r-188v, 191r-194v)
Info: II. Unknown scribe (141r-148v, 165r-172v, 189r-190v, 195r-196v)
  • Initial: Decorated initials on leaves 141r og 165r which are title leaves
Lbs 1199 4to part IV. (1700-1799)
1. (197r-220v) AlfræðiNote: Various pieces of learned writing
CodexPaper24 OtherMajor
Last update: 2012-09-13



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S