AM 346 I-III 4to
AM 346 I-III 4to
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
This manuscript consists of 3 parts.
CodexPaperii, 42, i200mm x 155mmYesLater foliationGood300mm x 210mmYesUnknownKurrentMinor
Jón SigurðssonUnknownMinor
  • Initial
  • The second front flyleaf is inserted by Árni Magnússon on which he writes the title of the saga and specifies that it is in three exemplars. Someone else (possibly Jón Ólafsson) has written 4 over the 3.
Plain (later)
Binding from March 1982 (Dimensions: 207mm x 175mm x 105mm).
AM 346 I 4to (1690-1710)
1. (1r-10v) Eiríks saga víðförlaIcelandicNote: Used in variant readings in Editiones Arnamagnæanæ (B 29) 1983.
CodexPaper10199mm x 153mmYesLater foliation: AM 346 I 4to and AM 346 II 4to are foliated as one.Good160mm x 120mmNoUnknownKurrentSole
  • Secondary (initial): Fol. 1r: Initial slightly bigger than rest of text.
  • Secondary (rubric): Fol. 1r: Letters in rubric slightly bigger.
  • Very few corrections in text by Árni Magnússon.
  • Someone has added the MS number "346" on fol. 1r and on flyleaf.
AM 346 II 4to (1600-1700)
1. (1r-5v) Eiríks saga víðförlaIcelandicNote: The first page has the ending of a saga that has been crossed out.Note: Used in variant reading in Editiones Arnamagnæanæ (B 29) 1983.
CodexPaper5189mm x 153mmYesLater foliation: AM 346 I 4to and AM 346 II 4to are foliated as one.Average: About half of the first page has been crossed out (another saga). Seems as though a small bit of the top part of fol. 1 may have been cut out.155mm x 144mmNoUnknownSemihybridaSole
  • Few corrections by Árni Magnússon in the text.
AM 346 III 4to (1727, Denmark)
1. (1v-27v) Eiríks saga víðförlaIcelandicNote: Only written on verso side.Note: Someone has added the title of the saga on fol. 1r.Note: Used in variant reading in Editiones Arnamagnæanæ (B 29) 1983.
CodexPaper27200mm x 153mmYesLater foliation: Later foliation in red ink: 16-42 (1r-27r).Good150mm x 108mmYesJón SigurðssonUnknownSole
  • Secondary (initial): Some initials slightly bigger.
  • Someone has written the title of the saga on fol. 1r.
  • Corrections on fols. 14v and 26v (some possibly by scribe).
  • Correction by scribe in the margin of fol. 15v.
  • Note at the back by Árni Magnússon: 'Þetta exemplar er ritað i Kaupmannahöfn 1727...'
Last update: 2015-02-04



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S