ÍB 593 8vo
ÍB 593 8vo (1817-1857, Iceland)
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
1. (1r-14v) Gautreks sagaIcelandicNote: Illegible2. (14v-60v) Hrólfs saga GautrekssonarIcelandic3. (60v-82v) Göngu-Hrólfs saga (defective)IcelandicSaga af Göngu-Hrólfi Sturlaugssi starfsamaNote: Fragmentary4. (83r-113v) Hrólfs saga kraka (defective)IcelandicNote: Derived from Rafn's ed.5. (114r-119v) Tólf stórvirki Herkúlesar Icelandic, LatinDe duodecim laboribus Herculis um 12 stórvyrkjur Herculis, af einu gömlu skrifi kölluðu VeraldarspegillNote: Derived from Veraldarspegill. M. Georgio Cieglero Speculum Mundi 6. (120r-134v) Stutt ágrip um Alexander mikla og Persepolis Henrik BuntingIcelandicCopied from Ed. Stutt ágrip um Alexander mikla og höfuðstaðinn forna Persepolem í Persía (Henrik Buntin 1581).
CodexPaperi, 135165mm x 105mmYesNoneAverage145-165mm x 80-95mmVery few.Jón JónssonKurrentMajor
Info: sr. Jón Jónsson í Miðmörk
  • On pages 106r, 107r and 129r there are comments in another hand written around where the scribe has written the text.
No binding
Jón Jónsson bókabéus Borgfirðingur: Owner
Last update: 2016-04-02



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S