Säfstaholmssamlingen I Papp. 3
Säfstaholmssamlingen I Papp. 3 (1700-1799)
Riksarkivet, Stockholm
1. (1r-159r) Knýtlinga sagaSwedishKnytlinga Sagan Af gambla Götiskan på wårt nu warliga språk öfwersatt af Carl HagelbergNote: A note on f. 1v mentions the source, two manuscripts in the Kungliga Antiqvitets Archivum.2. (160r-174v) Úlfs saga uggasonarIcelandic, SwedishNote: In two columns, left-hand column Old Norse and right-hand column Swedish translation.3. (175r-216v) Þjalar-Jóns sagaIcelandic, SwedishNote: Title on f.175r, text proper begins f.176rNote: In two columns, left-hand column Old Norse and right-hand column Swedish translation.4. (218r-245v) Uppsala sagaNils Hufvudson DalIcelandic, SwedishK: Hrembres i Giötland och K: Augis i Upsala SagaNote: On f.218r beneath the title is written: "Ifrån Isländska öfwersate af N. H. D."5. (248r-255v) Historia von der Königin DisaHistoria Von der Konigin DISANote: A page of printed text and 7 plates have been pasted in.
CodexPaperi, 255, i310mm x 200-205mmVarious, Maid of Dort, 'Pro Patria HB', crown on pedestal with two lions etc.Contemporary pagination: Begins on f. 2r. and runs from 1-315 alongside Knytlinga saga. It starts again with Ulfs saga and runs from 1-30 following which there is no more pagination.Good260mm x 150mmFor items 1, 3 and 4.Carl HagelbergKurrentMajor
Info: Item 1
Gustaf BondeKurrentMinor
Info: Items 2-4.
  • In the inner front cover there has been written: "Säfstahalmssaml. 3." in pencil.
  • On the first flyleaf there is a list of contents.
  • A note has been pasted in upon f. 219r describing Nils Hufvedson Dal's translation of this saga.
Moderately decorated (contemporary)
The volume is colourful marbelled paper on cardboard boards. The spine and corners are covered in white parchment. On the spine the following has been written in ink: "Knytlinga Saga etc. 2 Ulf Uggason 3 Þialar Jons 4. K. Krembres oc K. Augis Sagor". On two white labels below is printed: "3" and "F.3". Something else has been written in ink below but is partly illegible: "Historie um den Konunginn Desse...?". The fore-edge is speckled red.
Gustaf Bonde: Owner
Last update: 2016-08-03



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S