AM 762 4to
AM 762 4to (1600-1649, Iceland)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1r:1-3r:25) Ragnars saga loðbrókar [stanzas and explanations]Danish, LatinRHYTHMI Aliqvot veterum Danorum et Norvagorum tam principum qvam aliorum magnatum et celebrium Skaldorum Ex Antivqitatibus istis Collecti. Ex Historia Ragnari L:Den tijd Ragnar Lodbrog haffdi skiøtt sin spiud j Den gruelege slang paa Gautlandægre fandem erue.Note: Short summary in Danish, vísur in Icelandic with Latin translations. Explanations in Danish and Latin.2. (3r:26-6r:8) Haralds saga harðráða [stanzas and explanations]Danish, LatinEx historia Haraldi Sigurdi. f: Regis Norvegiæ.Harald seilede en gang langs for Norigmot. hominum conventusNote: Short introductions in Danish, vísur in Icelandic, Latin translations. Explanations in Danish and Latin.3. (6r:9-36v:31) Orkneyinga saga [stanzas and explanations]Danish, LatinEx Relationibus Comitum OrkneyensiumTorffEnar orchadum lames slog ihel Haldan hȧleggj mod fienderneNote: Short introductions in Danish, vísur in Icelandic, Latin translations. Explanations in Danish and Latin.
CodexPaperi, 36, i320mm x 105mmCastle with two round towersLater pagination: Paginated irregularly in the top right hand corners of uneven pages. Foliated in the bottom right hand corners.Average300mm x 85mmMagnús ÓlafssonSemihybridaSole
  • In the margins, there are some references and numbers of stanzas. There is an AM-slip that reads: "Magni Olavii Enodatio Cantilenarum qvarumdam. Dono Domini Christiani Wormii possidet A. M. 1706. Ligaturam ipse addi curavi. Est mihi et aliud Exemplar."
Plain (contemporary)
Bound in light parchment. Two stickers on the spine, one being green with the shelf mark, the other one being circular with no traces of writing remaining.
Christen Worm: OwnerÁrni Magnússon: OwnerChristian Worm gave the manuscript to Árni Magnússon in 1706.
Last update: 2013-08-16



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S