AM 34 fol.
AM 34 fol.
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
This manuscript consists of 8 parts.
Last update: 2013-02-13Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
This manuscript consists of 8 parts.
Plain (contemporary)
Bound in a grey cardboard binding from c. 1730-80. On the outside of the front board is written: "No 34. 1. Flateyar Bok 3 Exempl.
in Folio. 2. ...... 4 Exempl. in Qvarto."
Árni Magnússon: Owner
AM 34 I fol.
(1688-1707, Norway)
1. (1r:1-7v:18) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicOr Flateyiar Boc Col. 8. Hvessu Noregr BygþizA copy of Flateyarbók with a note: samannlesinn vid Membr: Anno 1695.CodexPaper7317mm x 205mmLarge watermark with a crown and various ornamentsLater foliation: Foliated 1-7 in red ink in top outer corners by Kålund. Foliated in pencil in the bottom margin.Contemporary pagination: Paginated 1-14 in dark ink by the scribe in top outer corners.Good247mm x 125mmNoÁsgeir JónssonHum cursivaSole
- One marginal note by the scribe himself: A correction of "hross" to "Hrog" on fol. 3r. On fol. 7v, at the end of the text: "Samannlesinn vid Membr: Anno 1695". An AM-slip reads "Ur Num. 13. in Folio fra Stangarlandi."
1688-1707NorwayNote: Most likely written in Norway.
Árni Magnússon: OwnerÞormóður Torfason: OwnerÁrni Magnússon acquired this transcript from Torfæus.
AM 34 II fol.
(1600-1672, Iceland)
1. (8r:1-14v:4) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicHier seiger Hversu Noregur BygdistNu skal seigia Dæmi til hversu Noregur
bygdiztDronning Megreta moder Olafs köngs en Walldmars Dana köngs epter er hon lief fanga
AlbriktCodexPaper7317mm x 205mmDesign reminiscent of a chandelier. The same watermark as
in AM fol. 6.Later foliation: Foliated 8-14 in red ink in the top outer corners by Kålund. Foliation repeated in pencil in the bottom margin.Good220mm x 131mmNoJón ErlendssonHybridaSole
- Initial: slightly decorated initials
- On fols. 12v-13r are scholarly notes in the margins in the same hand as the main text. They have been partly cut off during trimming: On fol. 12v: "fridfroda fridleifs alias ifs", on fol. 13r: "Danorum regum principumque feru" and "ingjaldur S-kadar fostre, -broder hans S". In the paragraphs next to which the marginalia is found, words, mostly names, have been numbered from 1 to 18 and from 1 to 22.
Árni Magnússon: OwnerÞorbjörg Vigfússdóttir: OwnerÞórður Jónsson: OwnerÁrni Magnússon notes (elsewhere): "Ur bok Þorbiargar
Vigfussdottur, sem kom til min fra Sr Þordi Jonssyne".
AM 34 III fol.
(1664, Iceland)
1. (15r:1-17v:28) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicHuoriu Noreg BydistNu skal seigia dæme til huorfu Noreg bygdistOg lidi med Adam og Haralldi Härfagra þeirra i milliÞetta Skrifad Etter Bok Magnússar Jonssonar brodue Jons Palss og Sigurdar. ... Ad Eyri I
Seydisfirdi Anno 1664 31 Augusti (þar underskrifad Nafn) Sigurdur Þ. Jonsson MlsNote: first 6 chaptersCodexPaper3317mm x 203mmLarge watermark, possibly a crown with a little cross on top of it as part
of a larger image.Later foliation: Foliated 15-17 in red ink in the top outer corners by Kålund. Foliation repeated in pencil in bottom margin.Good270mm x 180mmYesSigurður JónssonKurrentSole
Info: Main text written in kurrent; chancery fractura frequently used for highlighting purposes.
- Initial: Carefully decorated initials, black ink
- Paratext: Decorative pattern in black ink at the end of each paragraph and below the catchwords.
Brynjólfur Sveinsson: Commissioner
to the colophon, the MS was written by Sigurður Jónsson for bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson after a copy Magnús Jónsson, his brother, had written
"Effter Odrum fornfrædum".
AM 34 IV 4to
1. (18r-27r:9) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicHvessa Noregr bygdizNu skal segia dęmi til hvessumodir Olafs kongs enn dottir Valdamars dana konungs eftir er hon let fanga
albrectThis part of the manuscript contains an
inaccurate copy of
Flateyarbók.Note: Árni Magnússon has compared this transcript with AM 2 4to.CodexPaper10211mm x 168mmOrnamental watermarkLater foliation: Foliated 18-27 in red ink in the top outer corners by Kålund. Foliation repeated in pencil in the bottom marginGood168mm x 123mmNoÁsgeir JónssonEarly kurrentSole
- Several corrections in the hand of Árni Magnússon. On fol. 18r in the top margin is written in the hand of the scribe: "Ex Cod. Flateyensi Col: 8". The AM-slip reads: "þetta Exemplar er hvergi nærri Correct qvantum ad literaturam, og þvi verd eg þad einu hverntima ad conferera med Codice flatáensi, hvadan þad skrifad er. Variæ lectiones med minne hende, eru epter hendi Sr Jons i Villingahollte. sem eg hafde ä Islande 1707. i bok Sr þordar Jonzsonar. hvert exemplar att hefur Mag. Bryniolfur."
AM 34 V 4to
1. (29r:1-33r:24) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicHer skal Seigia Dæmi til hverso Norvegur bygdist j fyrsto, eþor hvorsu konga ætter hofust þar,
eþor j oþrum londum, eþor hvi þeir heita, Skiólldungar, Budlungar, Bragningar, Ødlingar, eþr Niflungar,
sem konga ætternar eru afkomnarForniotur hefur madur heitit, hann atti þria sonoEpter Drottning Margret vard kongur yfir Danmork, Norvegi oc
SvyarikeDiffers from the other copies, especially
at the ending, yet corresponding to AM 34 VII 4to2. (33v:1-33v:26) LetterIcelandicBref þess Tyrkneska Keisara þeim christna Keisara tilskrifadMarchomet keisarans sonurad mil þoknast mijn sinnarNote: Incomplete (?)CodexPaperi, 5, i215mm x 170mmDifferent watermarks. On the bifolio 28/34: a large watermark
with two lions holding an emblem with a crown on top (cf. part VI). On the bifolia 29/33
and 30/32: a fool with a five-pointed collar, the middle one ending in three large
balls. Possibly the same watermark as in AM 11 fol. Similar, but not the same as in AM 65 fol.
The central bifolio bears a different watermark with ca. 6 block-letters below it.Later foliation: Foliated 28-34 (including flyleaves) in red ink in the top outer corners by Kålund. Foliation repeated in pencil in bottom marginGood158mm x 120mmCatchwords only on fol. 29vGrímur ÁrnasonHybridaSole
Info: Fols. 29r-33r in a hybrida script. Fol. 33v is written in a kurrent script.
- Marginalia in the hand of the scribe on fol. 30v: "(favdr solva)""þetta helld eg of-skrifud tvisvar.""favdr" On fol. 28r, Árni Magnússon wrote: "Kom fra Islandi med minum pappirum 1720." An AM-slip reads: "þetta var fest framanvid Annala in 4to. med hendi Grims Arnasonar, er eg feck af Monsr Scheving. "
Árni Magnússon: OwnerLárus Scheving: Owner
AM 34 VI 4to
(1669, Iceland)
1. (35r:1-41r:13) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicHvórsu Norvegur Bygdest Nu Skal Seigia Dæme til hvorsu Norvegur bygdest, og hvórsu kőnga Ætter
hőfust þar, edur j odrum lóndumm og hvi þeir heite Skiolldungar, Budlungar, Bragningar, Ødlingar og
Niflungar, er konga Ætternar eru fra komnarForniötur hiet madur, hann ättr þriä sonufader Sigurdar. ut supraNote: first 5 chapters2. (41v:1-42r:19) Genealogy from Adam to ÓlafurIcelandicÆttartala fra Adam fyrsta manne til þessaCodexPaper12211mm x 165mmTwo lions carrying an emblem with a crown on top. Same watermark as in AM 34 V
4to.Later foliation: Foliated 35-46 in red ink in the top outer corners by Kålund. Foliation repeated in pencil in the bottom margin.Good145mm x 12mmNote: Fol. 42r-46v are left blank.Catchwords are found on fols. 35r-40v and 41vÓlafur GíslasonChancerySole
Info: According to the AM-slip, this part is written by Ólafur Gíslason.
- On this AM-slip Árni Magnússon noted: "Epter nyu Exemplare skrifudu (ad eg meina) af Sr Olafi Gislasyne ä Hofi i Vopnafirde, þä hann var þienare i Skalhollte"
AM 34 VII 4to
1. (48r-51v:16) Frá Fornljóti og ættmönnum hansIcelandicHer Skal Seigia Dæmi til Hverso Norvegur bygdist i fyrsto, Eþor hvorso Konga ætter hőfust þar,
eþor i óþrum lóndum; Eþor hvi þeir heita, Skióldungar, Bud lungar, Bragningar, Ødlingar eþr Niflüngar,
sem kon ga ætternar ero afkomnarHer skal seigia dæmi til hverso NoregurEptir Drottning Margret vard kongur yfir Danmork Norvegi
og SvyarrikeCorresponding to AM 34 V 4toCodexPaperi, 6, i210mm x 165mmLater foliation: Foliated 47-51 in red ink in the top outer corners by Kålund. Foliation repeated in pencil in bottom margin.Average164mm x 130mmNoUnknownChancerySole
- On fol. 49r the scribe wrote a marginal note in kurrent in the outer margin: "þetta helld eg ofskrifad tvisvar". In a different hand on fol. 51v in the outer margin: "NB" and again vertically: "heidrekur Kongur hygg þu ad gätu Sadge Gestumblindi" Note: The bifolio 47/52 was originally used as a cover for the quire. On the inner side (fols. 52r-47v) events in Copenhagen are described, cf. AM 34 VIII fol. Now there is a new thick paper bifolio in its place, counted as front and back-flyleaf.
Þormóður Torfason: OwnerÁrni Magnússon: OwnerTorfæus once owned this part of the manuscript.
Árni Magnússon bought it from him.
AM 34 VIII fol.
(1714, Denmark)
1. (52r:1-) Letter describing events in CopenhagenCodexPaper2210mm x 195mmLilyLater foliation: Only fol. 47 is foliated.Average: Having been used as cover for AM 34 VII 4to, the leaf is now kept as the
last part of the manuscript. The edge is damaged and has been repaired. Some text is lost.240mm x 200mmNoUnknownKurrentSole
- On fol. 47r, Árni Magnússon wrote the following note: "Eg skar þetta ut ur Num. 1. 1720. i kaupenhafn. Mente Martio. Eru Origines Norvegiæ. fra Stangalande" meaning AM 34 VII 4to.
Þormóður Torfason: OwnerÁrni Magnússon: OwnerTorfæus once owned this part of the manuscript.
Árni Magnússon bought it from him.