AM 193 a fol.
AM 193 a fol. (1688-1707, Norway)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1r:1-29v:15) Hervarar saga og HeiðreksIcelandicHervarar SagaSigrlami het kongr. hann red fyrir GardaríkiPhilippus atti Ingigerdi dottr Haraldar kongs Sigurdar sonar, hann var Skamma stund kongr.According to Jón Sigurðsson, the manuscript is a copy of GKS 2845 4to with variants and additions after Verelius' edition from 1672.
CodexPaper29306mm x 203mmA head with a fool's cap and a large, star-shaped necklace with circular tips. on the bottom of the image a 4-like shape on top of three circles can be seen. Cf. watermark in AM 202 k fol.Contemporary paginationLater foliation: Foliated 1-29 in red ink in the top margins by Kålund; contemporary pagination (1-58) in dark ink in the top outer corners.Good235mm x 140mmÁsgeir JónssonHum cursivaSole
  • Very sparse learned notes by the scribe in the margins, e.g. on fol. 23r.
Plain (contemporary)
Bound in a grey cardboard binding from c. 1730-80 with "No 193. a. Hervarar Saga." written on the front board. Old thread is stored with the manuscript; probably removed when the sewing was renewed.
Árni Magnússon: Owner
Last update: 2013-01-24



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S