AM 601 b 4to
AM 601 b 4to (1600-1700, Iceland)
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
1. (1r:1-6r:19) Hrómundar saga GripssonarIcelandicSaga af Hromunde GreipszyneSá konungr rieþe fyrir Gordum i Danmark er Olafr hetEru af þeim komnar konunga ætter oc kappar mikler, Note: A note at the head of fol. 1r reads: "ur rimunum". Followed by 9 lines of commentary on the sources of the saga with a marginal note reading: "mendacium est. þetta er teked ur rimunum".2. (6v:1-10v:14) Bragða-Ölvis sagaIcelandicHier Biriar Søgu Af Bragþa ØlverJ þann týma er Magnus konungr hin góþi stýrþi Noregoc hrfþi [sic] þar mikil rad oc stor metord oc lýkr hier fra honum aþ seigiaNote: A note at the head of fol. 6v reads: "ut dreiged ur rimunum af Ölver sterka, sem eru 7. ad tölu."
CodexPaper10212mm x 168mmYesLater foliation: Later foliation in red ink in upper corners of recto leaves.Good170mm x 135mm-- NO SCRIBE REF! --UnknownSole
  • Assorted marginalia in the hand of Árni Magnússon.
Plain (later)
Current binding from c. 1772-1780. Cream paper on cardboard with turquoise label. Front and rear pastedowns contains printed waste from an unidentified Danish text.
Árni Magnússon: Owner
Last update: 2016-04-28



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S