AM 1 b fol. Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen This manuscript consists of 4 parts.
CodexPaperii, 10, iMonogram (JVC?) topped with crown visible on second front flyleaf.Paginated and foliatied: One modern and one earlier (but not contemporary?) flyleaf at the front and one modern flyleaf at the rear
of volume. Foliated in red ink in upper corners of recto leaves and in pencil in lower corners of recto leaves.
Paginated in upper margins.Average: Several leaves repaired. Traces of earlier marginalia visible in upper corner of fol. 1v. Small packet
of fragments containing text (preserved during conservation) housed with MS.UnknownChanceryMinor
Info: Scribe I (fols. 1-2): Unknown.
Info: Scribe II (fols. 3-4): Unknown.
Info: Scribe III (fol. 5): Unknown.
Þorleifur KláussonCursivaMajor
Info: Scribe IV (fols. 6-10): Þorleifur Clausson of Útskálar (cf. note on fol. 5v).
Plain (later)
Bound in modern (20th c.) beige and tan linen over paper boards.
Árni Magnússon: OwnerCompiled by Árni Magnússon from three (cf. Kålund)
or four different manuscripts.
AM 1 b I fol.
(1600-1699, Iceland)
1. (1r:1-2v:31) Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og Svíaveldi (defective)IcelandicAf nockrum fornkongum i Dana og Suiavelde Yvari vydfadma Hrareke Helga inum
huassa Harande[sic] Hilldetonn med Bravallar Bardaga og nockud af Sigurde hring epter þui
sem fundist[?] hafa ritud a nidlags saurblada rifrilldum.Se eg ad þetta mäl þarf ad litt Ends: og let sem hann sæc hannFragmentary copy of of AM 1 a fol.
CodexPaper2300mm x 200mm240mm x 140mm
In the margin of fol. 1r Árni Magnússon has written: "Corruptissimum Exemplar
et nullius momenti".
1600-1699 Iceland
AM 1 b II fol.
1. (3r:1-4v:30) Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og Svíaveldi (defective)Icelandic Begins: eic[?] þa seiger Hrærek ad hann hefur lätid bua veizlu Ends: siglir huer til syns lands ogAccording to Kålund (Kat, I:2), this is copied from AM 1 a fol.Note: One line of text supplied (in a contemporary hand?) at the beginning of fol. 4r:
"þa var hun gipt honum med räde Harallds"
CodexPaper2300mm x 200mm240mm x 145mm
AM 1 b III fol.
(1600-1699, Iceland)
1. (5r:1-5v:12) Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og SvíaveldiIcelandic Begins: landz og er þetta spir Rädbertenn annar Þrandur hinn gamleAccording to Kålund (Kat, I:2), this is an indirect copy of
AM 1 a fol.Note: Near the bottom of fol. 5r the scribe has inserted a note into the text:
"her wantar mikid vid framm ad elli dogum Haralldz kongs".Note: After line 12 on fol. 5v is another scribal note: "Hier effter ä ad setiast Brä vallar bardagi sem seiger frä Dauda
haralldar hilldi Tannar". This note has later been struck-through by
Árni Magnússon, who has added "Bravallar".
A note in a later hand following the text reads: "Þesse bok a heidurlegur kiennemann
sera Þrolffur[?] Claussuns".
CodexPaper1310mm x 200mm260mm x 150mm
1600-1699 Iceland
AM 1 b IV fol.
(1600-1699, Iceland)
1. (6r:1-6r:33) Hálfdanar þáttr svarta ok Haralds hárfagra (defective)Icelandic Begins: vid allar j þrötter mikid gieckst Haralldur wid til waxar og afllzallt þar til Olafur kongur Triggua so tok hann af so seiger i sógu
hannz og endast so þessi þätturNote: End of text only; struck-through.2. (6r:34-10r:4) Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og SvíaveldiIcelandicBravallar bardage mille Haralldar kongs hilldetannar og Sigurdar hryngsÞar er Haralldur kongur hilldetónn var ordinn so gamallvmm þad folck er Allfar kallast vare miklu frydara enn[?] ønnur mannkynd
a nordur londum.
CodexPaper5310mm x 200mmYes240mm x 150mm
1600-1699 Iceland
Last update: 2013-07-10
M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S