AM 510 4to
AM 510 4to (1540-1560, Iceland)
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
1. (1r-8r) Víglundar sagaIcelandicNote: Incomplete.2. (8v-21r) Bósa sagaIcelandic3. (21r-32v) Jarlmanns saga og HermannsIcelandic4. (32v-38v) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagnsIcelandic5. (38v-67r) Jómsvíkinga sagaIcelandic6. (67r-88v) Finnboga saga rammaIcelandic7. (88v-91v) Drauma-Jóns sagaIcelandic8. (91v-96r) Friðþjófs sagaIcelandicNote: A table of contents for this manuscript in AM 435 a 4to., fol. 106v.
CodexParchmenti, 96, i189mm x 134mmLater foliationAverage: Pages missing after fol. 3 (2 leaves) and 27 (1 leaf). Holes that occurred during the production of the parchment, but also some that happened after the text was written, see fols. 1, 4 and 11. The script is faded throughout, particularly on fols. 1r, 7v, 21r-v, 22r, 25v-26r, 38r-40r, 44r-46v, 74r, 77v, 96r. Part of fol. 39 has been cut out.158mm x 112mmAri JónssonCursivaMajor
Info: The manuscript is written by Ari Jónsson and his son, either Jón or Tómas Arason from Súgandafjörður.
  • Illustration: Drawings of people in the bottom margin on fols. 60r and 76r.
  • Initial (flourished): Initials richly decorated in black ink throughout.
  • On fol. 96v, a crossed-out poem written by a younger hand.
  • Marginal comments throughout (see fols. 3r, 4r-v, 6r, 8r, 21r, 23v, 27v, 33v, 36v, 45v, 46v, 54v, 56v, 61v, 66v, 67r, 68v, 71r-72r, 74v-75r, 76r, 77r, 78v, 80r-v, 83r, 84r, 89r, 90r, 91v-92r, 93v-94r).
The binding could be contemporary (Dimensions: 212mm x 143mm x 44mm).
Árni Magnússon: OwnerJón Þorkelsson: OwnerIngibjörg Pálsdóttir: OwnerÁrni Magnússon got the book from Jón Þorkelsson and he from Ingibjörg Pálsdóttir á Eyri in Seyðisfjörður (See AM 435 a 4to, fol. 106v).
Last update: 2015-02-04



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S