AM 657 c 4to
AM 657 c 4to (1340-1390, Iceland)
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
1. (1r:1-3r:26) Mikjáls saga (defective)Bergur SokkasonIcelandic Begins: lof Michaeli firi auð sena miskvnper omnia sæcula sæculorum amenNote: Defective; lacks beginning.2. (3v:1-9v:23) Maríu saga egypskuIcelandicNær skyldi í þessum stað er heitiret gloria in secula seculorum amen3. (10r:1-13r:3) Eiríks saga víðförlaIcelandicKongr het þranðr er reð firi þranðheimok æ at eilifu amen4. (13r:4-51v:34) Guðmundar saga biskups (defective)IcelandicEins hæsta allzvalldri ok speki ok for sia Ends: vpp a halsin okNote: The B redaction of the saga, with prologue. Defective; lacks ending.
CodexParchmentii, 51212-232mm x 165-170mmLater foliation: Foliated in the upper corner of recto leaves. Average: Some light wear on several leaves, especially on fols. 50-51. Lacunae after fols. 22, 28 and 36 according to Kålund (Katalog, II:70)165-170mm x 120-130mmUnknownTextualisSole
  • Initial: Several colored (red, green, white) initials throughout.
  • Illustration: Small illustration of a person in the lower margin of fol. 34v. An illustration of a horse on fol. 45v.
  • Two inserted AM slips. The first reads: "her hefr upp prologus sogu Gudmundar biskups. her hefr upp sogu gudmundar biskups Arasonar". The second reads: "Aptan af sógu Michaelis hofudeingils. Af Maria Ægyptiacâ hinni bersyndugu. Af Eiriki vidfórla. Gudmundar biskups saga. Fra Jone Einarssyne. Framan vid var Vilhialms siods saga defect, sem reverâ eigi heyre til þessarrar bokar, og er þar fyrer utan med mikla nyre skrift. tök eg hana þvi i burtu."
  • Autograph on fol. 9v reads: "þat gerde ek andres ionss". Another at the foot of fol. 34v reads: "þerra a jon rygudz[?] son"
  • Pricking holes for ruling visible on outer margins.
  • Occasional marginalia in later hands throughout.
Plain (later)
New library binding: grey-green fabric and tan brown spine and corners
1340-1390IcelandNote: Dated to the 14th century by Kristian Kålund (Katalog, II:70) and to between 1340 and 1390 on
Árni Magnússon: OwnerJón Einarsson: OwnerAccording to an inserted slip and AM 435 a 4to (fol. 79), Árni Magnússon received the manuscript from Jón Einarsson. Note: The manuscript previously contained a text of Vilhjálms saga sjóðs which was removed by AM (see inserted AM slip and entry in AM 435 a 4to). It is now shelfmarked as AM 599 4to
Last update: 2015-02-11



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S