Thott 1499 4to
Thott 1499 4to (1700-1799)
Det Kongelige Bibliotek, København
1. (1r-67r) Um Skjöld konung og SkjöldungavísurIcelandicUmm Skolld konung í Danmørk, af hvørium Skiölldungar hafa sitt nafn, ok syþan hvat Skiolldunga Vysur se eda heita. /epter hende Biørns á Skards aaEdda Sæmundar fróda Cap. 7.Þá byriade Odin ferd syna nordr (:frá Saxlande) ok kom i þat land er þeir kølludu Reidgotalandvarar Ofarir, vyst ef hann næde.2. (67v-73v:6) Hervarar saga [Riddles]IcelandicNote: with formáli3. (73v:7-86v:9) VafþrúðnismálIcelandic, IcelandicNote: With paraphrasis and metaphrasis4. (86v:10-91v) Baldurs draumarIcelandic, IcelandicNote: With paraphrasis and commentary
CodexPaperii, 91, i195mm x 156mmMaid of Dort "ProPatria"Later foliationGood165mm x 130mmOnly in prose partsUnknownChancerySole
Info: Alternates between chancery and kurrent script.
  • Initial: Some initials neatly decorated
  • Other: Alternating script types leads to a generally decorative layout
  • On the front flyleaf, there is a later Latin note on the origin of item 1. In the margins, there are a few notes and marks by a different hand.
  • On the recto side of the back- lyleaf, there is a note in pencil: "13/9-85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 PR", written in the same hand as the foliation.
Leather binding on card board; fore-edge painted red; marbeled paper as pastedown, golden imprint on the spine: "O.K.S. VIS OG VEGT. QVIDA" and floral ornaments.
Otto Thott: Owner
Last update: 2013-06-10



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S