Papp. 4to nr 17
Papp. 4to nr 17 (1650-1699, Iceland)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-44v) Sigurðar saga þöglaIcelandic2. (45r-55v:12) Gunnars saga KeldugnúpsfíflsIcelandic3. (55v:13-87v:13) Göngu-Hrólfs sagaIcelandic4. (88r-118r:15) Elís saga og RósamunduIcelandic5. (118r:16-130r:6) Viktors saga og BlávusIcelandic6. (130r:7-135r) Sigurðar saga fótsIcelandic7. (136r-180r:32) Mágus sagaIcelandicNote: longre vers.8. (180r:33-191r:4) Gautreks sagaIcelandicCopy of Papp. 8vo nr 11.Note: younger vers.9. (191r:5-231r:15) Hrólfs saga GautrekssonarIcelandic10. (232r-253v:13) Bærings sagaIcelandic11. (253v:14-257v) Króka-Refs sagaIcelandic12. (258r:1-258r:3) Jökuls þáttur Búasonar (defective)Icelandic13. (258r:4-269r:22) Samsons sags fagraIcelandicEndad þann 30. Aprilis Anno 1665. B:J:S:14. (269r:23-277v:7) Hálfdanar saga BrönufóstraIcelandic15. (277v:8-286r:19) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagnsIcelandic16. (287r-307v) Hrólfs saga krakaIcelandic17. (309r-347v) Vilhjálms saga sjóðsIcelandic18. (348r-356r) Damustu saga ok JónsIcelandic19. (356v-363r) Friðþjófs sagaIcelandicNote: younger vers.20. (366r-367v) Sigrgarðs saga fraækna (defective)Icelandic
CodexPaperii, 368, iii200mm x 160mmNote: There is one empty leaf following Hrólfs saga kraka and several other texts in the manuscript.YesLater pagination: Modern pencil pagination in the upper right hand corner every tenth page and at the beginning and end of a text.Average: Has been regularly used, but in relatively good condition. The first, inserted fly-leaf has been cut over. The second empty folio of the codex has been cut over. The edges of the paper are quite worn, but they have been trimmed. The current size of the page therefore does not correspond to the original size of the paper.175mm x 140mmYesUnknownChanceryMajor
Info: Hand A, unknown. 1r-52v, 55r-231v, 309r-347v
Þorlákur SigfússonChanceryMinor
Info: Hand B, Sr. Þorlákur Sigfússon of Glæsibær in Krækingahlíð: 53r-54v, 232r-257v, 269r:23-286v, 366r-367v
Brynjólfur JónssonHybridaMinor
Info: Hand C, Brynjólfur Jónsson of Efstaland: 258r-269r:22, 287r-308v, 348v-363r
  • Initial: Initial slightly larger, but no ornaments or color at all.
  • The front flyleaves are orginially two letters to Þorlákur Sigfússon from 1650 and 1651. The latter was written by séra Þorður Sigfússon. Þorlákur added a poem when he used the leaves as a wrapper. Later they were turned into flyleaves and covered with more notes and signatures, e.g. "Jon Wigfusson Med eiginn Hendi skrifad I Lögmannz hlijd þann 8 Aprijlij". "Jon Wigfússon Med Eiginn Hende skriffad I LogManznz Hliid þann 27 februarij". "Þorlakur Sigfusson". "Jon Einarson M E H", "Jon Sigursson" A smaller leaf with a table of contents on the verso side used to be loose, but is now attached to the first front flyleaf. The recto-side has two notes: "Upphaf a Sigurgar... d N= 42=" and "Papp. 4:o nr 17". Fol. 135v was originally left blank. Later hands added e.g. two lines in Greek and "Thorlakur Sigfussn med E h". On the inside of the present binding, several hands wrote, e.g. "Þorla Sigurdsson", "Jon Wigfusson Med Eiginn Hendi", "Jon Einarsson Med Eigin hendi [...] I Logmannz hlijd þann 2 [...]", and "Gudrún Halldórzdottir". The former 53rd leaf (now counted as 53bis) was cut down to about 6mm. As a replacement, leaves 54 and 55 were inserted; they contain more text than what was lost. Therefore, the end of item 2 is present twice.
The binding is not in particularly good condition. The manuscript is wrapped in vellum that contains texts in Latin, ps. 47:2-15 and ps. 48:2-13. A fragment from the same MS is at the back of Papp. 4to nr. 19 ( both identified by Astrid Marner). According to Slay, the binding is reused.
Þorlákur Sigfússon: OwnerBrynjólfur Jónsson: OwnerThe manuscript was put together in its present form by rev. Þorlákur Sigfússon, who also wrote part of the manuscript. Hrólfs saga kraka was finished on August 6th, 1668. Other parts of the codex also written by Brynjólfur Jónsson contain the dates April 30th, 1665, and January 28th, 1671.
Last update: 2016-08-02



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S