ÍB 390 8vo Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík This manuscript consists of 5 parts.
CodexPaperi, 112, i162mm x 102mmYesAverage: Lacunae between folios 54-55, 70-71, 104-105. One third of folio 112r-112v has been torn
away, but probably without any text loss.Bound in wrong order; correct order would be: 86, 88, 89, 87, 90. Folio 71 loose. Back flyleaf loose.
On the verso side of the front flyleaf can be read: "Þ Þorsteinsson á Ég fékk þessa bók hjá Jóni Gísla á Grýtu þann 15 júlí
1859 fyrir vísu."
Plain (later)
Marbled paper on cardboards, brown leather spine and corners.
1726-1760 Iceland
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson: OwnerJón Gíslason: OwnerÞ[orsteinn] Þorsteinsson [á
Upsum] got the manuscript from
Jón Gíslason á
Grýtu on 15 July 1859.
ÍB 390 8vo I
(1726-1760, Iceland)
1. (1r-37v) Dínus saga dramblátaIcelandicCopied from
ÍB 201
8vo2. (38r-38r) BragarhættirIcelandicNote: Nokkrir rímnabragir3. (39r-54v) Kjalnesinga saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Incomplete. Ending is missing4. (55r-59v) Gríms saga loðinkinnaIcelandicSöguþáttur af Grími loðinkinnu5. (59v-64r) Jökuls þáttur BúasonarIcelandic6. (64r-70v) Faustus saga og Ermenu í Serklandi (defective)IcelandicNote: Lacking at the end between folios 70-71
CodexPaper70162mm x 102mmYesContemporary pagination: Paginated 1-11 (2r-7r)Average: Lacunae between fols. 54r-55v and 70r-71v145mm x 85mmUnknownUnknownMajor
Info: Hand I wrote (most of) fols. 1r-64r. The script is a mixture of early kurrent and chancery.
Info: Hand II wrote fols. 64r-70v
Pen trials and scribbling on fol. 37v-38r.
18th century owner's name on fol. 38r-38v.
1726-1760 Iceland
Jón Helgason: OwnerJón Gíslason: OwnerGuðmundur Hallgrímsson: Owner of manuscript: ;
got the manuscript from
on the
ÍB 390 8vo II
(1730-1760, Iceland)
1. (71r-91v) CedrasrímurIcelandicNote: 5 rímur; first three are by Jón and two last by
CodexPaper21162mm x 102mmYesLater foliationAverage: Bound in the wrong order. Correct order: 86, 88, 89, 87,
90140mm x 85mmUnknownChanceryMajor
Initial (decorated): Slightly decorated initials in some places.
1730-1760 Iceland
Ambiguous: Owner
ÍB 390 8vo III
(1735-1760, Iceland)
1. (92r-95r) SorgarklögunJón Pálsson VídalínIcelandicNote: Erfiljóð (commemorative poem) eftir Jón Pálsson Vídalín sýslumann í Vaðlaþingi2. (95r-95v) ErfiljóðJón Pálsson VídalínIcelandic3. (96r-99v) Erfiljóð eftir Jens Madsson SpendrupJens Madsson Spendrup sýslumann í HegranesþingiIcelandic
CodexPaper8162mm x 102mmYesLater foliationAverage: Fol. 71 loose.125-140mm x 65-85mmUnknownUnknownSole
Initial (decorated): Slightly decorated initials in some places.
Frieze (tail-piece): Knotwork on fols. 92v and 95v
Pen trials on fol. 92v.
1735-1760 Iceland
ÍB 390 8vo IV
(1730-1760, Iceland)
1. (100r-103v) Historía um straff og plágu sem 12 kynþættir Júða
hljóta að líðaIcelandic2. (103v-104v) Höfuðmerki hvers dags (defective)IcelandicNote: Lacking at the end
CodexPaper5162mm x 102mmYesLater foliationAverage: Fols. 104-105 missing140mm x 83mmUnknownUnknownMajor
Info: Two hands?
Sparse marginalia, e.g. on fol. 103v: "Da"
1730-1760 Iceland
ÍB 390 8vo V
(1730-1760, Iceland)
1. (105r-112r) KolbeinseyjarvísurIcelandic
CodexPaper8162mm x 102mmYesLater foliationPoor: A third of fol. 112r-112v
has been ripped off. Probably no text was written on it.132mm x 85mmUnknownUnknownMajor
Ownership note on fol. 112v written by a certain Jón Gíslason: "Eg J Gs" and "J. G. S."
1730-1760 Iceland
Jón Gíslason: Owner
Last update: 2016-04-02
M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S