Papp. fol. nr. 56
Papp. fol. nr. 56 (1683-1691, Sweden)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r:1-35r:21) Jarlmanns saga ok HermannsIcelandicHier hefur Sogu Aff Jarlmann og Hermann.I. Cap. Fr Vilhilme konge og hanns Rike.Wilhialmur hefur kőngur heited Hann riede fyrer Gardarïke og þijskalande Og nockrum Hluta Fracklandzenn þa főru ut i Jőrsala Heim, ok enduþu þar Sïna Æfi, meþ gőþum Enda lẏktum, enn ei hófum ver greinilega heẏrt þeirra Æfilok,Note: 24 chapters.2. (37r:1-56v:23) Orms þáttr StórólfssonarIcelandicþttur Af Orme StőrőlfssyneI. Cap. Fra Børnum HængsHængur er maþur nefndur, hann var son Ketils Rms NmDæla Vikingz, enn möþir Ketils het Hrafn-Hilldur, Dőttir Ketils Hængz ur Hrafnistu.ok þőtti hinn mesti maþur ok vaskasti hann varþ Sőtt Dþur i Elli Sinni, ok hellt vel tru sinaNote: 12 chapters.3. (57r:1-76v:26) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagnsIcelandicSagann Af Þorsteine Bæjar Magn.I. Cap. Þorsteirn Verþur HyrþMaþur Olafs kongs Tryggvasonar.ÞAnn Tïma, er Hkon Jarl Sigurþar Son reþi fẏrir noreẏi, biő Bőndi S i Gaular Dal er Brynjőlfur het, hann var kallaþur Ulfalldi (Ulfballdi) hann var lendur maþurhófum ver nu ei frett til Þőrsteins Syþann, Enn þ Őlafur Kongur huarf af Orminum Lnga þ hvurfu, og Horninn Huitingar,Copy of Stock. Isl. papp. 4to nr. 17.Note: 13 chapters. Somebody, probably the scribe himself, added a 14th chapter beginning and heading to the text.4. (77r:1-96v:19) Hálfdanar saga BrönufóstraIcelandicHjer Hefur Søgu Aff Hlfdne BrønuFóstra.I. Cap. Fr Hringe danakóngi ok Bornum hans.Hringur er kőngur nefndur hann rieþi fẏrir Danmórk. hann var vitur maþur ok vinsæll hann tti Drottningu er Signi hietSua er sagt at hann væri faþir lafleks. enn s Sem feck dőttur Brónu varþ kőngur i DanMórk,Copy of Stock. Isl. papp. 4to nr. 17.Note: 22 chapters.5. (97r:1-122v:5) Egils saga einhenda og Ásmundar berserkjabanaIcelandicSagann Af. Eigli Einhenta Og Asmunde Berserkja Bana.I. Cap. Burtnm dætra Hertryggs kőngz.Hertryggur hefur kőngur heitit, hann reþi fyrir sturi (stari) Russia, þaþ er mikit land ok fiólbigt, ok liggur millum Hunalandz (Hundingia landz) ok Garþarikis.ok hefur Siþann einginn hlutur fundist af henni ok ngvo þui Sem þar  var,Note: Originally 23 chapters, but with added chapter beginnings changed to 26 chapters.6. (123r:1-143r:27) Samsons saga fagraIcelandicSagann Af Samsone FagraI. Cap. Upp főstur Samsőns.Artus het kőngur er reþi fẏrir Einglandi, hann var rikur ok fiólmennur ok hófþingi mikill, hann tti Sier drottningu af dijrum ættum Sem honum vel Sőmdi, hun het Silvia (Pisilina)bar hann hana vestur j Affrikam, ein Rik fru ofundSiuk er Elida het Sendi hana i Eingland Artus kőngi, ok rïs þar af Skickio Saga.Copy of Stock. Isl. papp. 4to nr. 17.Note: 31 chapters.7. (144r:1-176v:11) Blómstrvalla sagaIcelandicBlőmstur Valla Saga.Formle.Adr Hakon Kongur hinn Gamli, er sua var kallaþur hafþi rþit fẏrir Noreg xx Vetur, þ kom utan af Spania Landi, Sendimenn fr Rigarþi keisaraok þeir Silfir þẏckiast Vera giarnir at liuga, og margt óþrum ősatt at Seigia,Possibly a copy of Stock. Isl. papp. 4to nr. 5.Note: 28 chapters8. (178r:-197r:34) Friðþjófs sagaIcelandicSagann Af Friþ-þiőfe Frækna.I. Cap. Frä Børnum Og Andlati Bela kongs, oc Þorsteins Vikings Sonar.Sua bẏriar þessa Sógu at Beli kőngur stijrþi Sẏgna:fẏlki i Noreyi hann tti þriu bórn, Helgi het Son hannz annar, enn Halfdan annar, Jngibiórg DőttirSẏni tuo ttu þ, Gunnþiőf ok Hundþiof urþu þeir miklir menn fyrir Ser,Copy of Stock. Isl. papp. 4to nr. 17.Note: 15 chapters.9. (198r:1-331r:9) Sigurðar saga þöglaIcelandicHier Byrjast Sagann Aff Sigurþe þøglaI. Cap. Fr Børnum Hløþvers Saxa köngs.A døgum Artus kőngs hins fræga er reþi fẏrir Brettlandi, er sijþann hefur Eingland kallat verit, reþi S kőngur fẏrir Saxlandi er Hlóþver, (Loþvik) hetok ől viþ henni mórg Bórn, ok let heita eptir Sigurþi fóþur sïnum ok Sedentinu Drottningu mőþur sinni,Note: 57 chapters.10. (332r:1-343v:26) Hróa þáttr heimskaIcelandicHjer Byrjast Sagann af Slisa-Hrőa, Er sijþar var kalladur Hrőe hinn Spake.I. Cap. Ferd Hrőa til Einglands.Um þann tïma er Sveirn kőngur rieþi fẏrir Danmórku, var s maþur meþ honum er hrőe hiet, hann var at sijnd ok ẏfirlitum friþur ok mannborlegurenn kona hanz var forvitri, ok kom margt gófugra manna frä þeim i Englanþi,Note: 6 chapters. There are two endings; because the bottom halves of fols. 340 and 341 were lost, the complete content - including the ending - of the last two leaves was repeated in a different hand on fols. 342 and 343.11. (344r:1-353r:12) Illuga saga GríðarfóstraIcelandicSagann af Jlluga Grijþar Főstra.I Cap. Upphaf Sigurþar ok Jllga.S kőngur hiet Hringur er rieþe fẏrir Danmórko, ok var Skialldar son, sonar Dagz, þessi Skiólldur barþist viþ Hermann sem seigir i Sógu þeirraok er ei gietid barna þeirra Hilldar. Þesse Jllge varþ Sijþann Föstbroþir Gnoþar Asmundar,Possibly a copy of Stock. Isl. papp. 4to nr. 21.Note: 6 chapters.12. (354r:1-395r:18) Sturlaugs saga starfsamaIcelandicSagann Af Sturlauge hinum Starfsama.I. Cap. Fr Sturlauge ok ok hans Stallbræþrum.Allir þeir menn sem Sannferþugir eru umm tiþindi, vita þaþ at Grick landz, ok Asimenn bẏgþu i fẏrstu norþurAlfuna, ok hőfst þar Tunga Su, er Sijþann dreifþist um óll Lónd, formaþur þessa főlks hiet ŐþinnSturlgur varþ ElliDþur,  Dógum Friþfrőþa kongz.Possibly a copy of Stock. Isl. papp. 8vo nr. 7.Note: 28 chapters.13. (396r:1-440v:27) Sörla saga sterkaIcelandicHier Hefur Søgu Aff Sørla SterkaI Cap. Fr Børnom Erlings Upplendinga Köngs.J þann Tïma þä er Hälfdan kőngur Brónu főstri reþi Sviþiőþ, Setti hann Kastő mäg Sinn fẏrir Eingland.enn Hógni giórdþi þőrir aþ Jarli ok Slitu þeir fostbræþur ok þorir alldrej vinttu sina meþann þeir lifþuCopy of Stock. Isl. papp. 8vo nr. 7.Note: Version B. 26 chapters.Note: There are two endings; the story ends on fol. 439v, but the content of fol. 439r-v is repeated in a different script on the following leaf.Note: According to Gödel Fornnorsk-isländsk litteratur i Sverige I, the manuscript's last item ought to be Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar. However, this saga is now contained in Stock. Isl. papp. fol. nr 62. It seems likely that Stock. Isl. papp. fol. nr 62 was once part of Stock. Isl. papp. fol. nr 56.
CodexPaperv, 441, ii330mm x 210mmPaper with different watermarks: a jester with three circles above his head; two lions holding an emblem; a lion within a decorated circle. Fols 342-343 have a different watermark and were probably added at a later point. On fol. 11r the watermark is drawn with pencil.Note: Fols. 35v-36v, 143v, 177r-v, 197v, 331v, 353v, 395v are blank.Foliated: Each tenth leaf is foliated in pencil in the top-outer corners, starting with fol. 1, in addition to either the first or the last leaf of an item. Fol. 144 was wrongly foliated as fol. 145, and all subsequent leaves are misnumbered. Fols. 1-35 are also paginated in the top-outer corners, and there are other, rather random paginations in the outer-bottom corners on some of the front fly-leaves and first few pages.Good: The corners of the leaves are brittle and some are dog-eared and torn, although with no loss of text. Fols. 1-2 were added to the manuscript later to fill a lacuna. Fol. 3r is darker than other pages, probably because it was the foremost page for some time before the lacuna was filled with fols. 1-2 and before the manuscript was bound. The blank bottom half of fol. 331 and the lower parts of fols. 340 and 341 (with loss of text) were replaced with leaves in contemporary times because of damage. The torn inner corner of fol. 344 is glued to the leaf, with minor loss of text. On fol. 432 there is a tiny burn hole in the blank outer margin.270mm x 80mmNote: Planned to be written in two columns, but only the inner column contains text. The outer column was left blank, presumably for a translation. Written area folded and sometimes grooved vertically down the middle.Note: Initials usually run over two lines, but sometimes over one or three. Lines for chapter headings sometimes grooved.Catchwords with a flourish on all pages except at the end of an item.Arngrímur JónssonUnknownMajor
Info: Arngrímur Jónsson wrote fols. 3r-440v. N.B. not the famous author.
Helgi JónssonUnknownMinor
Info: Helgi Ólafsson wrote fols. 1r-2v.
Info: Fols. 341-342 written by 'Scribe 3'
Info: Fol. 440r-v written by 'Scribe 4'
  • A lot of corrections to the spelling and grammar have been made, mostly þ in medial and final position were corrected to d, or ll to rl, or e to je/ie (e.g. þer to þjer/þier). Sometimes a reading was crossed out and a variant reading added by a different hand (Guðmundur Ólafsson - based on a comparison of the correction on fol. 417v:14 in chapter 12 with corresponding text passage in R 706), or an omitted word or phrase was added.
  • On the fifth front fly-leaf a table of contents is added.
  • Fol. 30v, outer-bottom corner: "gudfader Sonun".
  • Fol. 49r, next to a verse: "Vide caput ante ieders. ".
  • Fol. 64v, bottom margin in a young hand in pencil: "Grunds Gárad gnipar Lund"
  • On fols. 76r, 97r, 98r, 98v, 99v, 101v, 103r, 105v, 106r, 106v, 107v, 108r, 109r, 111r, 116v chapter beginnings and/or headings have been added, probably by the scribe.
  • In many instances marks have been made in the margins to draw attention to some text passages or words, e.g. weapons or place names.
  • Fol. 77r, right margin: "NB Vid Sörlers saga star Sviþiod. ergo skáne", in reference to Danmórk in incipit of the item and fol. 396r, right margin in pencil: "vide dest saga sup i danndf, ergo skane", in reference to Sviþiod in incipit.
  • Fol. 96v, bottom margin: "Hafe s þóck, er las: þeir Heidur, er Hlijddu."
  • Fol. 174r, right margin: "ung eru ung un".
  • Fol. 184v, left margin next to a verse: "Rhythmi: . _ _ _".
  • Fol. 353v: "herpu".
  • Fol. 360r, right margin: "ad faderi faderi som gud gefni".
  • Fol. 380r, right margin in pencil: "her slutar 7, 8vo", in reference to Stock. Isl. papp. 8vo nr. 7
Plain (later)
Previously bound in grey cardboard. The front and back were incorporated into the new binding and are now the second front fly-leaf and second-last back fly-leaf respectively. The new binding is also a cardboard binding, covered with marbled paper and with leather spine and corners. The shelfmark is embossed in golden letters on red background on the otherwise ivory-coloured spine with gold decoration: "COD. ISLANDICA - PAPP. FOL. N:o 56". A small slip of paper is inserted between fols. 56 and 57 reading: "Sagan af Þorsteine Bæiarmagn." A small slip of paper is glued onto the top-outer margin of fol. 97r, reading: "Sagan af Eigli Einhendta." A small slip of paper is glued to the top-outer margin of fol. 144r, reading: "Blomsturvalla." A small slip of paper is glued to the blank outer column of fol. 179r, reading: "Sagan af Eigli Einhendta."
Last update: 2016-08-02



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S