Lbs 4837 4to
Lbs 4837 4to (1878-1879, Iceland)
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
1. (1:1-29:3) Bósa sagaIcelandicHer Hefst Sagan af Herrauði og BósaHríngur hefur Konúngur heítid hann réd fyrir Eystra Gautlandisá Ragnar var sídan kalladur lodbrók og tók hann þad nafn af klædum þeím sem hann lét gőra sér, þá hann vann ormínNote: 15 chapters2. (29:4-61:28) Sörla saga sterkaIcelandicSagan af Sőrla SterkaJ þann tíma sem Hálfdán Kóngur Brőnufostrí stýrdí SvíþԳód hínní kőldu er hann vann af Agnarí hínum audga, en settí Kastó mág sínn yfír Englandog er eígí getíd þar um hvurt þeím hafdí ordíd barna audíd edur eí,1878 Note: 14 chapters3. (62:1-105:13) Ásmundar saga víkingsIcelandicHer hefst sagan af Ásmundí VíkíngHríngur hefur konúngur heítíð hann red fyrir Gaut landi, hann var vitur og vínsælldóttur áttu þaú er þorbőrg hét, þáu lífdu lengi og intust tíl dauda dags,Note: 12 chapters4. (105:14-199:3) Sigurðar saga þöglaIcelandicHer hefur upp Sőgu af Sígurði þőgulaÁ Dőgum Artusar kóngs hins fræga er redi fyrir Bretlandi er sída hefur England kallad veridól vid henni mőrg bőrn og lét heita eptir foreldrum sínumNote: 37 chapters5. (199:4-240:14) Þorsteins saga VíkingssonarIcelandicSagan af Víkíngí Vífilssyni og þorsteini VíkíngssyniLogi hét maður, sumir kölluðu hann háloga hann nam fyrstur manna Hálogalandvar þad sídan kallad Vefreyunautur, þad bar sídan Sturlaugur kóngur starfsamiNote: 15 chapters. The beginning of the part with Þorsteinn is indicated with a rubric as if it was the start of a new saga, although the chapter count continues normally.6. (240:15-287:18) Parmes saga loðinbjarnarIcelandicSagan af Parmes LodinbirniFyrir sunnan Alpesfjöll eru takmörk milli Vallands og Frakklands þar stendur ein Borg sem er köllud Agusta Turenaþvi hann fekk þangad eí nema Pápiska presta, þar sjálfur Kóngurinn Géorgíus var Pápiskur,Note: 17 chapters7. (288:1-343:24) Sigurðar saga hreggviðarIcelandicÁ Fyrri tíðum var einn Kóngur sem Hjaldur hét, af ættum kóngs þess er Nor hétlét hann þá ríta hana [...] oddur ófeigsson kom med hana út híngadNote: The title "Hér hefur upp sőgu af Sigurdi Hreggvíð" seems to have been added later on p. 287 by the scribe.Note: 12 chapters
CodexPaperii, 170202mm x 167mmPaginated: 1-343, page numbers 76, 77, 88 and 161 omitted, page number 173 used twiceAverage: All leaves of the manuscript are on supports. The corners and some of the top margins are frayed, with minor losses of text on pp. 1-4, 114-115, 330-331 and 336-343. On pp. 323-343 there is loss of text due to a blot, and on pp. 3-4 due to a small hole. The ink has faded on pp. 152, 172, 188, 203, 204, 234, 247, 266 and 277, however, the text is still legible.165mm x 140mmcatchwords on pp. 7, 13, 15-18, 27, 30, 93, 108, 141, 157, 226, 245, 250, 278, 280, 283, 285, 299, 308, 323 and 334Note: There are no signs for new chapters other than tha the chapter headings are surrounded by dashes. However, on pp. 105-244 (Sigurðar saga þögla, Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar and the first chapters of Parmes saga loðinbjarnar) and 277-343 (the last chapters of Parmes saga loðinbjarnar, and Sigurðar saga snarfara) the chapter headings are in the centre of a line, with blank lines before and after. The right margins of many pages are drawn with pencil, and sometimes with red crayon.Guðmundur JónssonKurrentSole
Info: Guðmundur Jónsson á Innraleiti á Skógarströnd
    Plain (contemporary)
    The manuscript has a cardboard binding with cloth covers. The quires are not sewn together and are loose in the binding. The binding is in very bad condition, frayed with torn corners and spine. Dimensions: 209x 166x 34. A page printed by Einar Þorð[...] in Reykjavík in 1872 with decorated frames is glued onto the inner side of the cardboard binding, now mostly worn away. On the front it reads: "Blunda[...] Bændast[...] GUDLAUGU[...] Ha[...] Prófastsdóttur[...] Ó[...] Ha[...]", and on the back: "[...], að gætni, [...]eild, röggsemd, [...] þörf, [...] ýði, [...]okar[...] þökk sje drottni, sem þig gaf oss, þín minning æ í blessun vari, Meðan niðar í fljóti foss, Og foldu byggir hölda ska[...] Ó að [...] Og syn[...] Þar s[...] Undir [...]". Underneath this page there is other printed matter pasted down, probably from a newspaper, but only a few words and letters are legible.
    Jónas Guðmundsson: OwnerGuðmundur Jónsson Skagjförð: Owner
    Last update: 2013-01-29



    M. J. Driscoll
    Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
    University of Copenhagen
    Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
    DK-2300 Copenhagen S