AM 357 4to
AM 357 4to (1600, Iceland)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1r:1-19v:x) Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar (defective)IcelandicHier Bijriar Hrolfs Søgu.Þad er vpphaf þessarar søgu ad Gautrekur son gauta konungs ried fijrir Gaut landj Ends: longum dríugur, ok snerist þa mannfallid a Suiana Note: Defective. Lacks ending.
CodexParchmenti, 19, iNote: Flyleaves modern205mm x 150mmLater foliation: Foliated 1-19 in dark ink in the upper right hand corners by Kålund.Average: Some leaves are damaged at the inner margin. Lower margin of fol. 3 irregularly cut (prior to writing). Small lacuna in upper half of fol. 7. After fol. 17 one leaf is missing. Fol. 18 is worn and has small holes.165mm x 125mmUnknownUnknownSole
  • Initial: MS is a palimpsest. Visible traces of colored initials from earlier text.
  • Two slips in the hand of AM. One reads: "fra Sveini Jonssyne ä Krossnese i Stranda Syslu." The reverse reads: "Hugraness[?] sysla". The other reads: "Þetta blad Formodl bl 18 feck eg 24. Maji ä Finnbogastödum i Trekyllirs vik, sem epter hafdi orded af þordar Hredu sögu, þä Jon Magnusson feck hana, og fannst ecke þad sinne. Ormur Dadason 1724. Nota bladed er ur Hrolfs Sögu Gautrekssonar, enn eigi ur þordar Hredu Sögu."
Moderately decorated (later)
Bound in late nineteenth century marbled pasteboards.
Árni Magnússon: OwnerSveinn Jónsson: OwnerOrmur Daðason: OwnerÁrni Magnússon acquired the manuscript from Sveinn Jónsson from Krossnes, except for one leaf (probably fol. 18) that Ormur Daðason bought at Finnbogastaðir (Trékyllisvíkurhreppur, Strandasýsla, Western Iceland) in 1724.
Last update: 2013-08-16



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S