Engestr. B. III. 1. 18.
Engestr. B. III. 1. 18. (1700-1729, Sweden)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-30r) Hjálmþérs sagaSwedish, LatinHialmters och Olvers SagaThenna Saga tager sin begÿnnelse af en widt berömlig konungNote: Swedish translation with a Latin commentary, ff. 28r-30rNote: f. 1r at bottom reads: "Af Johan Frederic Peringskiöld Sonen Anno 1715"2. (34r-43v) Ásmundar saga kappabanaLatinHic incipit Historia Asmundi qvi alio nomine vocatus est KappabaniusRex nomine Budlius Svionia imperitabatNote: Latin translation3. (46r-65r) Samson saga fagraLatinSogunn af Samsonar FagraArtus heet en konung i EnglandNote: Latin translation4. (70r-81r) Ketils saga hængsSwedishKettil hängs och Grim Ludilkindz Saga försvänksad af Nils Hufwudson Dahl.s.Hallbiörn heet en man som kalladur HalftrollNote: Swedish translation
CodexPaperi, 81, i320mm x 204mmTwo lions flanking a pedestal topped by a crown.Later foliation: Pencil 1-81.Good275mm x 175mmYesJohan PeringskiöldKurrentMajor
Info: ff. 1-69
Nils Hufwedsson DalKurrentMajor
Info: ff. 70-81
  • A paper label has been stuck on the inside front cover in the top left-hand corner. It reads: "B-III 1-18". The date '"1764"', "No 33" and an ex libris with the name M. Benzelstierna also appear at the bottom. A loose typed sheet with a list of the contents has been inserted in the first page.
Moderately decorated (contemporary)
Brown mottled paper on cardboard. Brown leather has been placed on the spine but has fallen off on the corners. On the spine "SVEN=SKE SAGOR MAN=SCR." has been engraved although it is damaged and difficult to read. On a yellow label pasted in the botton left-hand corner of the cover is printed: "Riks-Bibliotek STOCKHOLM Handskrifter. No. E. S.".
Nils Hufwedsson Dal: SignatoryMatthias Benzelstierna: OwnerLars von Engeström: Owner
Last update: 2013-04-11



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S