Papp. fol. nr 98
Papp. fol. nr 98 (1700-1749, Sweden)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
Contemporary: Konung Krembres och Giotaland, och Konung Augis och Uppsala, Saga. Ifrån Islandskan ofwer satt af N. H. D.1. (1r-48v) Krembres saga Gautakonungs og Áka SvíakonungsIcelandic, Swedish1.1. (1r-3v) IntroductionSwedish1.2. (3v-24v) Krembres saga Gautakonungs og Áka Svíakonungs [Translation]Swedish1.3. (27r-48v) Krembres saga Gautakonungs og Áka Svíakonungs [Original Text]Icelandic2. (49r-120v) Elís saga og RósamunduSwedish3. (121r-150r) Hálfs saga og HálfsrekkaSwedishNote: among others Hálfs saga konungs og Hálfsrekka4. (153r-161v) Huga saga sterka og Skaplers konungs (defective)Swedish5. (162r-197r) Þjalar-Jóns sagaSwedish6. (206r-213v) Fóstbræðra sagaSwedish7. (¨218r-328v) Sigurðar saga þöglaSwedish8. (330r-354v) Orms þáttur StórólfssonarSwedish9. (356r-374v) Stjörnu-Odda draumurSwedish10. (375r-382v) On Iceland's natureJón Guðmundsson hinn lærðiSwedishSwedish translation of Papp. fol. nr 64.11. (383r-397r) Ólaf hinn gamli: Um runa konstinaSwedishSwedish translation of Papp. fol. nr 64.12. (403r-406v) Mágus saga (defective)Swedish13. (407r-646r) Grettis sagaSwedish14. (649r-663r) Ketils saga hængsSwedish15. (665r-692v) Örvar-Odds sagaSwedish16. (693r-726v) Hrómundar saga GripssonarIcelandic, SwedishBased on Papp. fol. nr 67.16.1. (693r-706r) Hrómundar saga Gripssonar [original text]Icelandic16.2. (707r-726v) Hrómundar saga Gripssonar [Translation]Swedish17. (727r-828r) Edda Snorra SturlusonarSwedishCopy of Papp. fol. nr 38.18. (838r-859v) Grettis sagaSwedish19. (861v-925v) Yngvars saga víðförlaIcelandicNote: Only written on the verso leaves, the recto leaves are blank20. (927r-938v) Játmundar saga helgaSwedish
CodexPaperii, 938, i325mm x 210mmDifferent watermarks, mostly "LMAV" and two lions holding an emblem with a crown and a cross on top, a postal horn and "EW" with a crown on top. On the last leaves, there is the maid of dort with "IR" underneath and GR with a crown on top.Contemporary and later foliation: in parts contemporary foliationGood280-320mm x 100-160mmSomeNils Hufwedsson DalKurrentMajor
Þorvaldur BrockmannKurrentMinor
Info: Þorvaldur Brockmann wrote 860r-926v
  • Some items have been emended rather extensively, possibly by a scribe of another part. Between fols. 1 and 2, a little slip is inserted: "21/22". KB Stockholm stamp on fol. 1r and the first front flyleaf. The original front cover has two stickers with the shelfmark.
Moderately decorated (later)
Modern cardboard binding with marbeled paper on the boards; spine and corners in white leather. The golden imprint on the spine reads: "Cod. Isl. Papp. Fol. N:o 98". The front cover of an older binding is preserved and now counted as a front flyleaf.
Last update: 2013-04-03



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S