AM 192 fol.
AM 192 fol. (1600-1699, Iceland)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1r:1-4r:12) Hervarar saga og HeiðreksIcelandicHervarar þättur hinn gamle finnst so skrifadur sem hier epter fÿlger.2. (5r:1-35r:16) Hervarar saga og HeiðreksIcelandicSøgu þattur af Heidreke Kőnge og Hanns ættmonnummNote: Björn Jónson of Skarðsá's commentary on the Heiðreks gátur has been added. The riddle section is written in two columns; the riddles are written in the left column with Björn's comments in the right.
CodexPaperiii, 35, iii302mm x 192mmThe watermark on the flyleaves reads "TMK 1716". The watermarks on the book-block leaves shows a castle or fortress with three elements: A gate with a pointed roof and a round tower on each side. The towers each have a window. The watermark is reminiscent of the one in AM 203 fol, 1r-10v. Later foliation: Foliated in dark ink in the top outer corners. Additional folitation with a pencil in item 2.Good: The margin of fol. 19 is folded. As a result this leaf is 15mm wider than the others.234mm x 121mmCatchwords are found on fols. 10v, 20v and 30vJón ErlendssonChancerySole
  • Very few notes in the margins, e.g. on fol. 34r: "Nials, Fins sonar" in a later hand. On fol 29r-29v, Jón Erlendsson added remarks which were partly cut away when the leaves were trimmed. On fol. 19r, Jón Erlendsson's marginalia survives without any loss of text. A later hand added "Su(?) er Varians af. Membranum 544 4to." In the front, the AM slip is bound in with the manuscript. It reads "AM 192, fol. Heidreks Saga med Hervarar þætti. med semdi Sr. Jons i Villingahollte. lied mier af Jone Þorlackssyne 1709, og sidan selld i 1710. Var tilforna i innbundinni bok."
The manuscript is bound in cardboard wrapped in paper. Old thread and support leaves are housed with the manuscript.
Árni Magnússon: ScholarJón Þorláksson: OwnerAccording to Árni Magnússon's account on the AM-slip, he borrowed the fragment from Jón Þorláksson in 1709 and bought it from him in 1710.
Last update: 2013-01-30



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S