ÍB 173 4to
ÍB 173 4to
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
This manuscript consists of 2 parts.
Plain (later)
Paper on wooden boards, leather spine and corners.
Marteinn Jónsson: Owner
ÍB 173 4to Part I. (1770-1899, Iceland)
1. (1r-75v) Mágus sagaIcelandicSaga af Bragða Mávus JarliOg endum vér so hér með þessa sögu af Bragða Mávusi jarli in Novemb. Anno. Dom. 1770.
CodexPaperi, 75, iNote: Front and back flyleaves, as well as front and back inner pastedowns, are from another manuscript with text from Bósa saga; see part II.190mm x 143mmYesContemporary pagination: Paginated 1-150 (1r-75v)Poor: Dirty in places; restored crudely with glued paper occasionally hiding text. Lacking pages added later and in a different hand. 170mm x 125mmYesJakob SigurðssonKurrentMajor
Info: Younger hand on leaves replacing lost leaves: 25 - 32, 49, 56. Same hand as on the fragments of Bósa saga in the binding.
  • Initial
  • Other: Headings
  • On fol. 1r1r, Jón Bergþórsson wrote his name, and on fol. 75v 75v can be read: "Þessi saga er eign Jóns Borgþórssyni (-sonar)" and "Sigmundur Matthíasson (Long) á bókina 1857"
Sigmundur Matthíasson: OwnerJón Bergþórsson: Owner
ÍB 173 4to Part II. (1770-1870, Iceland)
1. (fbl1v-ffl1v, rfl1r-rbl1r) Bósa saga (defective)Icelandic Begins: honum að það mundi ei bæta vinsælNote: A fragment of Bósa saga in a 19th century hand. Part of the manuscript binding papers. Text from chapter 4 and 5.
Info: Mixed script but same as the supplied leaves from Part I
  • Initial
    "G. Eyjúlfss"
Ambiguous: SignatoryFormerly owned by a certain G. Eyjúlfsson.
Last update: 2016-03-28



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S