Perg. 4to nr 6
Perg. 4to nr 6 (1375-1425, Iceland)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-3r:26) Amíkus saga og Amilíus (defective)IcelandicNote: First page illegible2. (3r:27-23v:25) Bevers saga (defective)Icelandic3. (24r-39r) Ívens saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Leaves missing, lacunae4. (39v-56r) Parcevals saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Leaves missing, lacunae5. (56v-61r) Parcevals sagaIcelandic6. (62r-69v) Mírmanns saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Leaves missing, lacunae7. (70r-85v) Flóvents sagaIcelandic8. (86r-106v) Elís saga og Rósamundu (defective)IcelandicNote: Leaves missing, lacuna in the end9. (107r-119v:14) Konráðs saga keisarasonarIcelandic10. (119v:15-126v) Þjalar-Jóns saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Leaves missing, lacunae, ends defective11. (127r-128r:20) Möttuls saga (defective)Icelandic12. (128r:21-128v:27) KvædiIcelandicNote: Leaves missing, lacunae13. (128v-137v) Clarus saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Ends defective
CodexParchment137230mm x 160mmLater foliationPoor: The binding is falling apart. The gatherings are comming apart. Most leaves heavily darkened. Fol. 137f is only a fragment.180mm x 120mmNoUnknownTextualisMajor
Info: 128r:21-128v:27.
  • Initial: red and green
  • Other: red rubrics
  • Marginalia and (skilled) drawings, cf. 61v. On fol. 21r"Gissur gudmundz son" wrote his name "Annax 1626(?)". On fol. 35v is written: "blak er fiast enn bag er hend binda kann eg eigi Johann Gundmundz son". On fol. 39r a table of contents is added and signed by "B. S. S. med Eigin Hendi". At the top of the inside of the front board, "Einar Einarson" can be read. In the middle, a coat of arms-like drawing in black ink is found: "AH 1647". Several stickers with the shelf mark on the spine and front board.
Moderately decorated (contemporary)
Thick wooden boards (oak and beech) with a leather spine. A clasp has been removed. Several carvings can be seen: "1676" and "180" on the front board, "H", "AH" and figurative carving on the back board.
Gizur Guðmundsson: OwnerJóhann Guðmundsson: SignatoryEinar Einarsson: SignatoryAmbiguous: SignatoryAmbiguous: Signatory
Last update: 2013-03-20



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S