SÁM 4 (1890-1910, Iceland)
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
Later addition1. (2r-263v) Þiðreks saga af Bern (defective)Icelandic Begins: að ná henni á sitt vald, án vitundar föður hennarnafns þeirra á sinni dauðastunduNote: Defective. Lacunae at the beginning and within the text.2. (264r-277v) Norna-Gests þátturIcelandicSöguþáttur af Gesti Þórðarsyni, Norna-GestiSvá er sagt, að á einum tíma, þá er Ólafur konungur Tryggvason sat í Þrándheimiog þótti sannast um lífdaga hans sem hann sagði
CodexPaperi, 279, i184mm x 156mmPaginated: Paginated 3-548 (509 written twice; 510 omitted) on fols. 2r-277v. Fols. 4r-v, 212r-v and 278r-279v blank.Average: Some leaves lacking; based on pagination, one lacking at the beginning, one between fols. 3 and 5, one between fols. 211 and 213 and one between fols. 235 and 236. Several leaves loose in binding. Signs of older conservation efforts.UnknownHumcursivaSole
  • Title page added later. Fols. 4 and 212 are replacement leaves. Loose note at beginning with account of leaves missing in MS.
Plain (later)
Half-calf binding with paper boards from the early 20th century. Gilt decoration on spine including title: "Þiðriks saga".
Jóhann Gunnar Ólafsson: OwnerPurchased by the National Library of Iceland from Jóhann Gunnar Ólafsson bæjarfógeta á Ísafjörð in the 1960s.
Last update: 2016-08-02



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S