ÍB 233 4to
ÍB 233 4to (1700-1799, Iceland)
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík
1. (1r-13v) Fertrams saga og Platós (defective)IcelandicNote: In the hand of rev. Árni Gíslason at Stafafell2. (14r-19r) Eiríks saga víðförla (defective)IcelandicNote: A-vers.Note: Misbound3. (20r-27v) Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra (defective)Icelandic Begins: Illugi gekk ei að síður og bar flagð4. (28r-41v) Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra (defective)IcelandicNote: Misbound5. (42-70v) Blómsturvalla saga (defective)Icelandic Begins: Kóngur hafði ráðið fyrir NoregiNote: Misbound6. (71r-85r) Ferðasaga Jores Pines (defective)Icelandic7. (86r-88v) Tóka þáttur TókasonarIcelandicAf Tóka TókasyniNote: 8. (86r-97v) Sigurðar saga þögla (defective)IcelandicNote: Misbound9. (98r-101r) Persakonunga sögur (defective)IcelandicNote: A translation from Latin by rev. Einar Bjarnason á Prestsbakka and a copy by rev. Sveinn Péturson á Hofi Álftafirði.Note: In the hand of rev. Sveinn Pétursson at Hof.Note: Fragment; contains the 8th and 9th chapters
CodexPaper101198mm x 153mmYesNonePoor: Loose bookblock, a collection of detective sagas. Paper fragmentary, rotten and torn. Restored165mm x 131mmYesÁrni GíslasonKurrentMinor
Info: Sr. Árni Gíslason á Stafafelli(?) wrote item 1
Jón Ólafsson Grunnavíkur-JónUnknownMinor
Info: Jón Ólafsson úr Grunnavík wrote item 6
Sveinn PéturssonKurrentMinor
Info: Sveinn Pétursson á Hofi í Álftafirði wrote item 9
    Loose leaves
    Last update: 2016-03-29



    M. J. Driscoll
    Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
    University of Copenhagen
    Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
    DK-2300 Copenhagen S