Guðmundur Helgason 4Guðmundur Helgason 4 (1800-1849, Iceland)Private collection, 1. (-) Hrafnkels saga FreysgoðaIcelandic2. (-) Hænsa-Þóris saga (defective)IcelandicNote: Missing one page at the beginning and another at the end of the saga.3. (-) Alexanders sagaIcelandic4. (-) Valla-Ljóts sagaIcelandic5. (-) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagnsIcelandic6. (-) Hauks þáttur hábrókarIcelandic7. (-) Sigurðar saga fótsIcelandic8. (-) Marslilíus saga og RosamunduIcelandic9. (-) Perus saga meistaraIcelandic10. (-) Áns saga bogsveigisIcelandicCodexPaper160mm x 100mmUnknownUnknownMinorInfo: Many hands
1800-1849IcelandGuðmundur Helgason: OwnerGuðmundur HelgasonThe current repository of the manuscript is unknown.
Last update: 2013-09-12