Rål. fol. nr 25
Rål. fol. nr 25 (1700-1749, Sweden)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-7v) Prosaiska KrönikanSwedish2. (15r-63v) Göngu-Hrólfs sagaSwedishGånge Hrolfs Sturlogers Sohns Saga, af then gambla Giötiskan öfwersatt af Johan PeringskiöldhSåledes begÿnnes thenne Historia, att en konungh är Hreggwid benämadNote: Swedish transl. by Johan F. Periongskiöld3. (64r-101r) Hrólfs saga krakaSwedishKonungs Hrolf Krakes sampt Adills Upsala Konungs Saga af dhen gamble Giöthiskan öfwersatt af Giödrickr Biörnsson hirdman. Gustaf Bonde.Note: Swedish transl., copy of Säfstaholmssamlingen4. (102r-119v) Hálfdanar saga EysteinssonarSwedishHalfdan Östensons HistoriaUthi dhe förrige tÿder stÿrdes Norriges Rÿke af en konungh, som heet ÖstenNote: B-vers., Swedish transl., copy of Säfstaholmssamlingen5. (120r-126r) Ásmundar saga kappabanaSwedishNote: Swedish transl. by Johan F. Peringskiöld6. (127r-139v) Samsons saga fagraSwedish7. (140r-156r) Hjálmþérs sagaSwedishHialmters och Olwers SagaThenna saga tager sin begÿndelse af en widt berömd konungh, hwilken Ÿnge heetNote: Older vers., Swedish transl., copy of Engestr.
CodexPaperii, 158307mm x 205mmMaid of DortFoliated: Every tenth page is foliated in pencil: 11, 21, 31 etc. (although sometimes it breaks off). There is also a contemporary ink foliation which runs from ff. 16-156 (pp.3-283). Good245mm x 148mmYesUnknownKurrentSole
  • Illustration: On f. 101r there is a family tree to accompany the preceding saga.
  • A piece of paper with a typed list of contents ('Innehåll') appears on the inside front cover.
  • On f. 14v there is a list of the sagas which follow in the volume.
Moderately decorated (contemporary)
The volume is bound with colourful marbeled paper on cardboard boards with dark brown leather on the spine and corners. On the spine there is a red paper label, upon which has been written "Kroniku ok Sagor." On a yellow label pasted over the spine below is printed: "Riks-Bibliotek STOCKHOLM Handskrifter. Rålambs samling No.", but no number has been filled in.
Last update: 2013-04-08



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S