AM 123 8vo
AM 123 8vo (1500-1600, Iceland)
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
1. (1r:1-6r:21) Tiodels saga riddara (defective)Icelandic Begins: hans ord þa verdur hann halldast himneskann faugnud sia og fa per omnia seculorumsecula:Note: Fragment. Defective at the beginning of the text.2. (6v:1-11r:22) Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra (defective)IcelandicSaa kongur hefur radid firi Danmorku er Hringur hetog lukum vier þesse saugu.3. (11v:1-29v:22) Sigurgarðs saga frækna (defective)IcelandicRikardur er kongur nefndur Ends: þad er sia enn spurdi huad hannNote: Defective. Lacks end of text.4. (30r:1-37v:19) Drauma-Jóns saga (defective)Icelandic Begins: ylig orcka til auinnengs[?]og lykur suo þessari saugu: :og miog var stor[.]tturog hafanNote: Defective. Lacks beginning of text.5. (37v:20-39v:15) Af Poliano keisaraIcelandicSuo er sagtt af einum keisara er var i RomNote: Called 'The Wax Image' and edited by Peter Jorgensen in his 1971 dissertation (Harvard Univ.).6. (39v:16-45r:18) Jónatas æfintýrIcelandicGolefridus hefer kongur heitid hann atte iii mikille gledi og hefer med sier gripi sijna og er á enda æuentyrid.6. (45r:19-56r) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagnsIcelandicÞann tijma er hakon Jall sigurdarson ried firir norgieNote: Fol. 56v originally blank.
CodexParchmentiii, 56Foliated: Foliated in upper corner of recto leaves.Poor: Several leaves are dirty and dark which causes problems for legibility. Some leaves (e.g. fol. 1) are damaged, and others have been cut (e.g. fol. 9). Leaves have also been lost leaving several of the texts defective.97mm x 75mmUnknownUnknownMajor
  • Initial: Traces of red initials can be seen on fols. 6r, 8r, 9v and 10r. Ends of texts formed into v-shapes.
  • Note in the hand of AM, on front flyleaf ii recto reads: "Aptan af Tiodels sógu, af Jlluga gridarfostra. Sigurgardz saga. af Drauma ions. nockur æfintir. af Þorsteini bæiarmagn. recentissima membrana."
  • Pen tests, illegible notes, on fol. 6r.
  • "omnis mensa male ponitur absque sale" on fol. 54v.
  • "þessa Bock a Eirekur Ellingson" on fol. 56v.
Plain (later)
Árni Magnússon: OwnerAmbiguous: Owner
Last update: 2015-02-12



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S