AM 587 e 4to
AM 587 e 4to (1690-1710)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1r:1-8v:23) Sörla þátturIcelandicSaga af Hǫgna og HiedinnCap IFirer Astann Vanaqvísl í Asialandeog settist ad ríke sínu
CodexPaperi, 8, i212mm x 165mmTwo lions holding a coat of arms. On flyleaf: A man and a woman holding a flower.Contemporary pagination and later foliation: Paginated 573-588 in top right hand corners. Foliated 1-8 in red ink by Kålund next to the older pagination.Average: There are stains of dirt (mud) on the last leaves of the manuscript. However, neither the binding nor the rear pastedown show any trace of it.190mm x 140mmNoÁrni MagnússonKurrentSole
  • On the front flyleaf is written (at least partly by Árni Magnússon): "af Högna og Hiedne. Ur bők er Eg feck a Markuse Bergs=syne og tők i sundur." and: "Synest ad vera skrifad epter þvi prent=ada i Olafs Sögu Tryggvasonar."
Plain (contemporary)
Bound in a grey cardboard binding. The binding is most likely contemporary, but not necessarily the original binding. On the front cover it reads: "No 578e. af Högna og Hedni." There are two stickers on the spine: The larger one is green and has the shelf mark on it; the smaller one is light and circular and reads: "1465".
UnknownNote: According to the note on the fly-leaf, Árni Magnússon got the manuscript from Markús Bergsson. Considering that Árni wrote Sörla þáttr himself, the information about the former owner must refer to another manuscript.
Last update: 2013-08-16



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S