Papp. 4to nr 5
Papp. 4to nr 5 (1630-1670, Iceland)
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm
1. (1r-15r) Króka-Refs saga (defective)Icelandicad sid Veniu. Nu Lijda so stundirog Lukum ver hier Sogu KrokaReffs. Finis2. (15v-17r) Rémundar kvæði (defective)IcelandicNote: end defective3. (17v-17v) Króka-Refs saga [kvæði]Icelandic4. (18r-41v) Mágus sagaIcelandic5. (42r-54r:28) Víglundar sagaIcelandic6. (54r:29-66v:23) Blómsturvalla sagaIcelandic7. (66v:24-102v:21) Flóres saga og LeóIcelandic8. (102v:22-107v:20) Hrólfs þáttur skuggafíflsIcelandic9. (107v:21-112r) Ála flekks sagaIcelandic10. (112v-122r:14) Egils saga einhenda og Ásmundar berserkjabanaIcelandic11. (122r:15-126v:14) Norna-Gests þátturIcelandicDerived from GKS 2845 4to.12. (126v-131r) Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagnsIcelandic13. (131r:20-132v) Færeyinga saga (defective)Icelandic14. (133r:1-133r:16) Table of contentsIcelandic
CodexPaperi, 133, i200mm x 165mmLater foliation: Poor170mm x 130mmNoUnknownChanceryMinor
Info: 1r-17v. Mixed script: chancery and kurrent
Info: 18r-131r:15
Info: 131r:15-132v
Info: 133r:1-133r:16
  • Paratext
  • Slips with the title and the number are inserted at the beginning of sagas, starting with item 4. On the flyleaf, there are among others the following notes: "Finnur Jónsson med E. h." (on the inside, must be later), "Gudmundur Magnusson med eigin hendi Anno Domini 1678 Calendas 30 Martij. Þessa ehr(?) hratr(?) fim(?) ....""N=4o". "Eiganda bokar bokar Oskara allra keilla firr og sid, M... Gud á Margann mann[...] þann [...] Christ[...] Lyd BC(?)". in the back: "Gudmundur Olafsson Constant(?)" More writing inside back cover, faded. A large "50" on the outside of the front cover, traces of writing.
Moderately decorated (contemporary)
Parchment binding made out of a single folded piece. A smaller sheet of paper was once slipped inside (now counted as flyleaves). The corners of the binding are sewn together with a leather thong.
Guðmundur Ólafsson: OwnerGuðmundur Ólafsson brought the manuscript with him to Sweden.
Last update: 2016-08-03



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S