SÁM 6 (1600-1700, Iceland)
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
Contemporary: 1. (2r-27v) Nikulás saga leikara (defective)Icelandic2. (1r-47r:17) Sigurður saga ok SignýjarIcelandic3. (47r:18-66r:9) Partalopa sagaIcelandic4. (66r:10-76r:5) Ketils saga hængsIcelandic5. (76r:6-105v:18) Gibbons sagaIcelandicSagan af Gibeon og Grega kongsdóttur6. (105v:19-117v) Rémundar saga keisarasonarIcelandicSagan af Remundi og Melusinu7. (118r-142v) Dámusta sagaIcelandicSagan af Dámusta8. (143r-167r) Þjalar-Jóns sagaIcelandicSagan af Þjalar-JóneNote: Runs to page 333 (f.168r) according to pagination (and foliation) in manuscript.9. (167v-175r) Drauma-Jóns sagaIcelandic10. (175v-201v) Sturlaugs saga starfsamaIcelandicSagan af Sturlauge StarfsamaNote: A blank leaf follows the end of the saga. On the verso the start of the title of the next work is written: "Sagan af Thorstein Vik..." and then no more. A scribbled note appears below.11. (203r-234v) Þorsteins saga VíkingssonarIcelandicSagann af Þorsteini Vikingssyne12. (235r-257v) Jarlmanns saga ok HermannsIcelandicNote: A leaf is apparently missing after 257v as the numbering runs 526 to 529 (leaves 258 to 260 by the foliation of the MS).13. (258r-286v) Viglundar sagaIcelandicSagan af Viglunde hinum væna14. (287r-294r:8) Illuga saga GríðarfóstraIcelandicSagan af Illauga Grijdar fóstra.Fyrer Danmørk riede köngur sa er Hrïngur hietOg liktar þetta so endasleppt og efnesvirt af Illauga Grijdarföstra.Note: According to the original pagination this saga is on pp. 587-597Note: According to the later pencil foliation this saga is on ff. 289r-294r.15. (292r:9-297r) Bragða-Ölvis sagaIcelandicÞättur af Bragda Aulver.
CodexPaper297200mm x 160mmYesLater foliation: In the bottom right-hand corner in pencil. Starts with 3 on f. 2r (although since it seems that the original f. 2r is missing it is more correct to call this 2).Contemporary pagination: In the top corner of each page in ink, starting with 3 on f. 2r.Poor: Many of the leaves have been repaired. There is a great deal of staining (water damage?).165mm x 125mmYesUnknownKurrentSole
  • On f. 1r there is a note which read "Sigmundur Erlingsson á þessa bók".
  • On f. 297v there are various scribbles, names and numbers but mostly illegible ('Haldor', '...asturinn vildi selja mér ...bók')
Plain (later)
The quires are kept together with a paper wrap-around placed in a box. A note typed onto a sheet of paper which is folded around sheets from the previous binding reads: "Vigdís Kristjánsdóttir tók bókina úr bandi og gerði við hana í aprílmánuði 1976."
Last update: 2013-09-19



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S