AM 152 1-2 fol.
AM 152 1 fol.
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
This manuscript consists of 1 parts.
Last update: 2015-02-02Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík
This manuscript consists of 1 parts.
AM 152 1 fol.
(1500-1525, Iceland)
1. (1r-49v) Grettis sagaIcelandic2. (49v-54v) Hálfdanar saga BrönufóstraIcelandic3. (54v-69v) Flóvents sagaIcelandicNote: In certain places the saga is called "Flores saga Frackakonungs" in the upper margin.4. (69v-88v) Sigurðar saga þöglaIcelandic5. (88v-98r) Þórðar saga hreðuIcelandic6. (98r-116r) Göngu-Hrólfs sagaIcelandic7. (116r-125v) Þorsteins saga VíkingssonarIcelandic8. (125v-139v) Ectors sagaIcelandicNote: Half of a column at the end has been left blank and later filled out with people's names and
more.9. (140r-159r) Hrólfs saga GautrekssonarIcelandic10. (159v-196r) Mágus sagaIcelandic11. (196v-201v) Gautreks sagaIcelandicNote: "Gjafarefs saga" named at the end of the saga. In the margin on fol. 196 there is a title
written in the 17th century: "Frä Gauta konge inum milda ..."CodexParchmenti, 202, i274mm x 220mmLater foliationAverage215mm x 171mmNoÞorsteinn ÞorleifssonCursivaMinor
Info: On fol 46v: "Þessa sögu hefur skrifað
bróðir Bjarnar Þorleifssonar"
- Initial: Red rubrics, particularly on fol. 52.
- Initial: Initials in various colours, particularly on fol. 52.
- Miniature: Drawing of a person on fol. 47r.
- Marginal comments on fols. 96v-97r, 139v, 64v og 72v (remarks on script and more).
- Þjóðvísa from around 1500 in bottom margin on fol. 57v written by scribe.
- Readers' marginalia regarding Grettis saga on fols. 2r, 3r, 39r. 40r, 41v, most of them written by an earlier hand.
- Titles in top margin throughout in a hand from the 17th century.
- Various name in margins (see provenance).
Plain (later)
Bound in wooden boards; leather on spine.
Árni Magnússon: OwnerVigfús Guðbrandsson: OwnerElín Hákonardóttir: OwnerHelga Magnúsdóttir: OwnerMagnús Björnsson: OwnerÁrni Magnússon received the manuscript from Vigfús Guðbrandsson. Previously owned by Elín Hákonardóttir í Vatnsfirði and Helga
Magnúsdóttir, son of Björnsson the lawman. Árni mentions Helga having received the manuscript
from her father (see AM 435 a 4to, fol. 64v). The name of Magnús
Björnsson appears on fol. 57r (in his own hand) and 139v (in a verse). Various names also
written on fols. 40v, 46v, 51r, 65v, 89v, 104r, 139v, 186v, 189r and 197v.