AM 309 4to
AM 309 4to (1498, Iceland)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1ra:1-25v) Ólafs saga TryggvasonarIcelandicAbridged excerpts from FlareyjarbókNote: Corresponds to chapters 36-37, 45-53, 64-67, 85, 88-93, 118-120, 166-167, 175, 187-188, 190, 192-193, 267-269 and 302-306, 319-326 and 332, 344, 347-348, 352, 354-355 and 358, 366-388 and 391-394, 397, 406 and 409 of Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar in Flateyjarbók []1.1. (1ra:1-1ra:24) ÆttartalaIcelandicættartalaADam skapadi Gudmed tauldum bædí adam ok haralldi1.2. (1ra:24-1rb:) Hverir konungar styrt hafa NoregiIcelandichverir konungar styrt hafa noregiSon haralldz harfagra var sigurdr hrisieptir er hun liet fanga albrict1.3. (10rb-11ra) Þorvalds þáttur tasaldaIcelandicHier Hefr upp þatt þouvallde tasalldaNv þesso at margar ræda ok fra sögur se ritadarok settí honum þo opinberlíga skript firir þenna lut1.4. (11va:28-12rb:30) Sveins þáttur og FinnsIcelandicþattr finnz ok sueinsÞess er getitok suo er rítadolafr konungr uar trẏgvason olafssonar haralldz sonar haar fagra1.5. (12rb:30-12va:42) Rauðs þáttur rammaIcelandicþattr rauds hins rammaRaudr hinn ramme het madr einnfirir nordan a mille ok megenlannda1.6. (15ra:47-15rb:53) Þorsteins þáttur skelksIcelandicþattr þorsteins skelkisÞat er sagt vm sumarid eptirmed odrum kauppum konungs.1.7. (16rb:21-17rb:14) Indriða þáttur ilbreiðsIcelandichier hefr þatt einndrida ilbreids ok olafs konungs trygua sonarA Nockurumma þa er olafr konungr hafdi míög albuit skípfrar ok gek a arvm1.8. (21ra:39-21va:39) Gauts þátturIcelandichier hefr upp Gavta þáttNv skal seígía luti er eg nam af frodum monnumenn þorarní sagdí síalfr einar þambarskelfer1.9. (21vb:53-23vb:29) Þorsteins þáttur uxafótsIcelandicþattr þorsteins uxafotz hmÞorkell. het madr er bío  krossa uík.ok fell a ormínvm langa.1.10. (23vb:29-25rb:24) Norna-Gests þátturIcelandichier hefr þatt af norna gestí homir olSvo er sagt at a einum tima.vm lífdaga hans sem hann sagdí1.11. (25rb:24-25vb:8) Helga þáttur ÞórissonarIcelandicþattr helga þorissonarÞorir het madr er bío j noregiok lẏkr hier fra grimum at seigía2. (206v-208r) Sneglu-Halla þáttur (defective)Icelandichier hefr þatt af sneglu hallaÞat er upp haf þessarar frasagnar Ends: uel hafa til vnnid h3. (27ra:1-34va:40) Laxdæla saga [Excerpts] (defective)Icelandic Begins: bolli uar þar j selíok lykur þar nu sogunne4. (34va:41-38vb:56) Eyrbyggja saga (defective)Hier hefur eyr byggiv ok er god sagaKEtill flat nefur het hersir einn Ends: þeir lögdu þetta þoroddi tilBL Add. 11110 and AM 124 4to are direct copies.Note: Larger part missing in the middle and the end. Smaller lacunae due to the poor condition of the parchment.5. (39r:1-48v) Njáls saga [Excerpts] Begins: ec þat seger atlimarkar fliotNote: Consists of four parts.
CodexParchmenti, 48, i240-265mm x 115-215mmLater foliation: Foliated in the lower margins.Poor: The manuscript is defective and rather dark. The script is at some places hard to decipher or illegible because of wear. Fols. 27-33 have holes and are damaged at the top and bottom near the spine. Fols. 36-37 are damaged in the same way. Fols. 1, 3, 5, 17, 24, 27, 38 and 39 have tears or holes. Fols. 39, 40 and 48 have once been used as binding. Fols. 29-31 are considerably smaller than the other leaves.210-220mm x 95-180mmJón OddssonCursivaSole
Info: It has been suggested that Jón Oddsson was the scribe of the manuscript (Scott, Eyrbyggja saga, p. 110).
  • Initial: Colored initials and red rubrics throughout the manuscript.
  • Initial (historiated): Fol. 1va has a 7-line initial A depicting the birth of king Olav Tryygvason: the mother, lying in childbed holding her child in her hands; another person stands beside the bed. Fol. 20rb has a 5-line initial N depicting two people in a boat.
  • In the lower margin of the codex are notes and proverbs written in red ink by the scribe. A later hand added notes and shelf marks in the upper margin.
  • In the bottom margin of fol. 17v the scribe wrote: "Jon odds son a mikok er ecki nema hans eign".
  • There are two AM-slips: the recto of the a-slip says: "Olafs Saga Tryggvasonarvantar [vantar mikid ï] Allar 3 arkirnar eru samstaðar og vantar ekki í nema við endann hefr ödruvïs upphaf enn adrar. þattur af þorsteini Uxafot. þattur af Nornagest. þattur Helga Þorissonar. Hallla þattur, vantar endann. communicavit Th. Th.". The verso has a copy of two of the rubrics: "ættar t…" and "huerir konungar styrt hafa noregi." The b-slip has:"Aptan af LaxdælaSögu framan af Eyrbyggiu ur Grettis sögu þetta fragment er mitt, og heyrer manifeste til hins fragmentsens qvod communicavit. Th. Th. hvar ä er partur framan af Olafs Sögu Tr. s. Eg true eg hafi þetta feinged fra Bæ i Floa."
Plain (later)
The binding is a modern standard half-binding with grey fabric and brown leather on corners and spine.
IcelandNote: On fol. 1ra:36-39 the scribe gives the following account: "hann [Ólafr Hákonarson] var þa konungr er su bok uar skrifud er þessi bok uar eptir skrifud þa var lidit fra hingad bvrd uors herra iesv christi. M. CCC. LXXX. ok siau ar. enn nu erv fra hans hingadburd er sia bok er skrifud M. CCCC. nivtigirok atta ar".
Jón Vídalín: OwnerBrynjólfur Sveinsson: OwnerJón Oddsson: Owner The church of Skálholt previously owned this manuscript.
Last update: 2016-08-22



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S