AM 202 k fol.
AM 202 k fol. (1600-1699, Iceland)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
This manuscript consists of 2 parts.
CodexPaperi, 32, i
Plain (later)
The manuscript was formerly bound during Kålund's time with a black spine and corners and marbled paper. This older binding is stored together with the manuscript. AM 202 k fol. is now bound in a standard BD-binding measuring 351 x 235 x 19.
Árni Magnússon: Owner
AM 202 k I fol.
1. (1r:1-1r:41) Göngu-Hrólfs sagaIcelandicNote: Crossed out2. (1v:1-13v:26) Hervarar saga og HeiðreksIcelandicSagan Af Heidreke kongi og hans ættmonnum
CodexPaperi, 14323mm x 213mmNote: The lower margin on fol. 1 and fol. 12 has not been trimmed, probably due to pre-existing marginalia. The total height of these two leaves is 340mm.On fols. 1r-7v and on fols. 11bis-13v, the same watermark can be seen: a crown-like shape(foolscap?) with extended points ending in small circles. Most likly the same watermark as in AM 193 a fol. On Fols. 8r-11v the watermark is different.Later foliation: Foliated 1-13 in top outer corner by Kålund.Good230mm x 142mmCatchwords on fols 1r-7r and 11v-13r.UnknownUnknownMajor
  • Initial
  • Árni Magnússon compared this version with, and corrected it according to "Membranâ Bibliothecæ Regiæ" and a paper manuscript "qvod fuit olim Brynolfi Svenonii Episcopi Scalholtensis." An AM slip with the shelf mark and "Heidreks-Saga" is bound in with the manuscript. A slip containing the beginning of the Heiðreks gátur was pasted on the bottom of fol.7v. The original blank fol. 11v was pasted over with a leaf, now 11bis-11v, containing the Heiðreks gátur (on fol. 11bis) and the continuation of Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs. The text is crossed out. Both the slip and the leaf were removed during restoration in 1976 and are now bound with the manuscript.
AM 202 k II fol.
1. (14r:1-31r:13) Hervarar saga og HeiðreksIcelandicSøguþättur af heydreks konge og hans ættmunnumNote: Open space on fols. 18v-19r to indicate a lacuna. Björn Jónson of Skarðsá's commentary on the Heiðreks gátur is included.
CodexPaper18281mm x 184mmOval-shaped watermark with a snake on a cross in the centre and a crown on top. At the foot of the cross, the letters H and S can be read. The same watermark as in AM 202 i fol. and AM 202 g fol. (Part AM 202 g I fol.).Contemporary and later foliation: Foliated 14-31 in top outer corners by Kålund. Traces of an older foliation on the bottom outer corners.Good236mm x 142mmNoJón GissurarsonEarly kurrentSole
  • Some marginalia.
This part of the manuscript was previously kept with Addit. 4 fol.
Last update: 2013-01-23



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S