AM 348 4to
AM 348 4to (1686-1688, Denmark)
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen
1. (1r:1-25v:17) Norna-Gests þátturIcelandicHer hefr þatt af NornagestiSva er sagt at a einum tima þa er Olafur kongur sat i Þrandheimok þotti sannazst um lifdaga hans sem hann sagdi2. (26r:1-29r:8) Variants of Norna-Gests þátturIcelandicEx Codice Regio pertinet ad Olafs Saga Tryggvasonar mina ur Codex Flatensispag 842 lin 14 vera hversu sem þu seiger875 12 Sem hann sagdi oc lykr þar fra Nornagesti at segia.
CodexPaperiii, 29Note: First front flyleaf is an oversized folded leaf.212mm x 162mmCoat of arms topped with a crownLater foliation: Foliated 1-29 in faded red ink in the upper right hand corners by Kålund. Foliated in pencil in the lower margin. Good155mm x 95mmNote: Fol. 29v blank.Ásgeir JónssonUnknownMajor
Info: Fols. 1-25 are written by Ásgeir Jónsson.
Árni MagnússonUnknownMinor
Info: Fols. 26-29 are written by Árni Magnússon.
  • Fols. 1-25 are blind ruled. A slip in the hand of AM between fols. 14 and 15 reads: "NB Sigurdr Hringr atti Alfhilldi dottur Gandalfs, Alfgeirs sonar. Alfssonar, Raumssonar, Nors sonar. brædur konu hans voru þesser Gandalfs synir." Between fols. 15 and 16 is another slip which reads: "Fenhring hodie Askóre vocant; Bergis vicina est. Confunduntur antem heic diversi Starcadi; Etenim hicce non est ille, de qvo Hrolfi Gotricii vita agit, qvi vikarum Suspendit. Sed antiqvitas omnia in unum congessit." The reverse contains unidentified accounting information [in German?]. The former cover for the first item (fols. 1r-25v) now constitutes the front three flyleaves. On the first flyleaf Árni Magnússon wrote: "Nornagestz þattr ex membranâ Regia. Est qvasi Melagri fabula." On the second and third flyleaves he states: "Ur Nornagestz þætti. Variæ lectiones Codicis Regii, apatatæ ad Apographum meum Historiæ Olavi Tryggvonii ex Codice Flateyensi, qvod exaratum est manu Domini Jonæ Erlendii." This first, folded flyleaf bears traces of a removed wax seal and is addressed: "Erlig oc velb. mand, Jörgen Rosenkrantz till kiessarmand, hoffmester pra dett kong, aerlig Academie Sorör, oc kongl. meytz befalnings mand pra Börlum Closer, min hvyærede gode ven i tienistuvilliger tillshrevit[?]." This is reused material from a letter sent to Jørgen Rosenkrantz (1607-1675), head of the Søro Akademi from 1653 until 1669. The reverse contains citations about Gorm the Old and Harold Gormsson of Denmark taken from multiple sources.
Plain (later)
Bound in a modern (early 21st-century) conservation binding of half-calf canvas boards. An earlier binding with half-calf marbled paper boards from the early 20th century is housed with the manuscript.
1686-1688DenmarkNote: Watermarks are consistent through both manuscript items. This, plus the MS waste relating to Denmark suggest that AM 348 4to was probably composed between 1686 and 1688 while Ásgeir was working in Copenhagen
Árni Magnússon: Owner
Last update: 2013-08-16



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S