Sturlaugs saga starfsama
British Library:
BL Add. 4875
BL Add. 11161
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling:
Rask 32
Det Kongelige Bibliotek:
NKS 1689 4to
NKS 1228 fol.
Kall 612 4to
NKS 1229 fol.
NKS 1230 fol.
GKS 1006 fol.
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Handritasafn:
JS 625 4to
ÍB 237 8vo
ÍBR 59 4to
Lbs 1217 4to
Lbs 1766 4to
ÍB 43 fol.
Lbs 1226 4to
Lbs 1226 4to
Lbs 154 4to
ÍB 752 8vo
Lbs 423 fol.
JS 632 4to
Lbs 1504 4to
Lbs 151 4to
Lbs 3625 4to
ÍB 320 4to
JS 12 8vo
ÍB 425 4to
Lbs 222 fol.
ÍBR 43 8vo
Private Collection:
Jón Ófeigsson
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum:
AM 589 f 4to
AM 335 4to
AM 171 a fol.
AM 202 l fol.
AM 336 4to
AM 567 XXI 4to
AM 1036 4to
AM 172 a fol.
AM 337 4to
Universitetsbiblioteket, Bergens Universitet:
UBB Ms. 58
Universitetsbibliotek, Uppsala universitet:
Westin 88
Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda. Reykjavík, 1943-1944,
Fornaldar sögur Norðurlanda. Reykjavík: Íslendingasagnaútgáfan, 1954-1959,
Sagas légendaires islandaises. Toulouse: Anacharsis, 2012.
Saga de Sturlaug el laborioso: Saga de Ragnar calzas peludas; Relato de los hijos de Ragnar. Madrid: Miraguano, 2014.
Six Sagas of Adventure. New Haven: Troth Publications, 2014.
"Die Saga von Sörli dem Starken." In Sagas aus der Vorzeit, edited by Stuttgart: Kröner, 2020.
"Sturlaugs saga starfsama." In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, edited by 11: 496-497. New York: Scribner, 1988.*
"Sturlaugssagaen og Sturlaugsrimur." Arkiv för nordisk filologi 41 (1925): 101-113.*
"Skurðgoð, trégoð, hofgyðjur og heiðinglig hof: En gruppe hedenske elementer og deres kontekst i Ǫrvar-Odds saga, Sturlaugs saga starfsama og Bósa saga." In Fornaldarsagaerne: Myter og virkelighed; Studier i de oldislandske "fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda", edited by 255-279. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2009.*
"Sturlaugs saga starfsama: Humour and Textual Archaeology." In The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic Literature: Sagas and the British Isles; Preprint Papers of The 13th International Saga Conference; Durham and York, 6th-12th August, 2006, edited by 2: 876-885. Durham: The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University, 2006.*
"Trollfrauen, Hundsköpfige und heidnische Priesterinnen: Vom fantastischen Spiel mit literarischen Genres in der Sturlaugs saga starfsama." In The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic Literature: Sagas and the British Isles; Preprint Papers of The 13th International Saga Conference; Durham and York, 6th-12th August, 2006, edited by 2: 894-903. Durham: The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University, 2006.*
"Kveðskapur frá síðmiðöldum." In Íslensk bókmenntasaga, edited by 2: 285-378. Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 1992.
"Sturlaugs saga starfsama." In Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia, edited by 614-615. New York: Garland, 1993.*
* Red asterisks denote particularly recommended titles.